WOD 4/4

A. Spend 8 minutes testing your max depth strict HSPU for one rep, or 3 reps if you can go head to floor or lower.

**Pre Test** please note your score for future comparison

B. In 20 Minutes find a 1RM Power Snatch
*Pre test, record weights  

**Pre Test** please note your score for future comparison

C. For time.
15 squat snatches @ 115 / 75 / 55 (Scale to PC to Front Squat if needed)
15 CTB pull-ups (scale: Band chest to bar pull up)
800m run
*Time recorded
*12:00 Cap

Optional ‘Cash Out’:  

3 rounds
5 db squat clean thrusters
30 double unders


Scaling Guide:

– 5 – 10 min.
– Scale Up: 135/85lb snatches