WOD 6/13

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Power Clean
Min 2 – 1-2 Strict HSPU (Deficit if able)
*Build each set, goal is to work to a heavy challenging weight but does not have to be a max

B. 8:00 AMRAP
6 Power Clean @ 135 / 85 / 55
20′ Overhead plate lunge (10’ out, 10’ back) @ 45 / 25 / 15
8 burpees with 10′ lateral shuffle (no jump required)
1:00 rest (last round of rest optional)
*total Rounds + Reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 3-5 Rounds, about 2:15 per round with the rest.

Optional ‘Cash Out’
4 Rounds
60s plank
15 American kb swings


Murph is coming up quick, but the deadline for T-Shirt orders is coming up quicker! Get those orders in by Wednesday, June 14th so we can get these bad boys printed and in on time.
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