WOD 9/27

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1-  Push Press x3x5 @ 70-80%
Min 2 – DB / KB Split Squats x4/leg x5
Min 3 – Rest
*Pick a weight and % do all sets at the same weight in both the movements.

B. For time
12 shoulder presses @ 95 lbs / 55 lbs / 35 lbs
400m run
12 push presses (same)
200m run
12 push jerks [or shoulder to overhead anyhow] (same weight)
100m run
*Time recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
12 UB dumbbell thrusters
40 double unders

Scaling Guide:
– 3:30 – 7 minutes
– scale up the barbell weight to 115/75 if needed
– Strict Presses should be heavy enough it takes 2-3 sets to finish


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