Hey friends! It’s been a minute! Life has been a bit on the busy side lately and I think will continue to be so through the end of the year at least! My meal prep game is still going strong, but I’ve definitely been searching out more ways to make things easier. Y’all know I’m […]
Hello friends! I hope all of you lovely people are doing well! I’m back with another recipe and another feature of an amazing human being! This week’s recipe came very much from a place of needing to use some veggies before they went bad and desperately wanting to avoid going to the grocery store. I’m […]
Happy Wednesday! Back with more Kitchen Adventures and another featured friend! This week’s recipe truly was an adventure for me. I have never made a blended soup and there is one special ingredient I’ve never worked with before so I’m excited to share this recipe with you! BUT FIRST! Let me introduce this week’s feature. […]
Heyoooo! Y’all! I cannot tell you how excited I am that it is starting to feel like fall. Don’t get me wrong, I am a full on summer supporter, but I love fall for so many reasons…. one of which is that it’s SOUP WEATHER. I for one, will actually make and eat soup year […]
Happy Wednesday, friends! Another week, another recipe, and even more exciting, another feature! I have been thinking about past performances lately and REALLY missing my dance community. This year has definitely put a damper on that part of my life and as memories pop up on Facebook and Instagram of past shows, it’s really given […]
Hey Crew, How’s everyone doing? Life’s been a bit wacko lately and I seem to be falling into an “every other week” cycle with my Kitchen Adventures posts, but honestly.. I’m ok with that right now. That’s what I can make happen and that’s a lot like meal prep. Sometimes you just keep it super […]
What’s up, guys!? Hope everyone is having an excellent week so far! Tim was out of town last weekend and I did a MASSIVE meal prep day on Sunday. I cooked for hours, but it was nice to get so much done and not have to think about what we’re eating for a while. […]
Hi friends! So, I was not originally going to post this as a recipe because it’s not really a “recipe,” but more of a random thought I had at the grocery store and it turned out really well. After telling a few people about it, they’ve convinced me that I need to spread the good […]
Hello Friends! I hope everyone is well. Anymore, when folks ask me how things are going I feel like the most honest response I can give is “Eh, it’s just another day in 2020!” Something new pops up for us just about every day and I’m definitely still struggling to find balance in meal prepping, […]
Hi hi! I hope you are all staying healthy and well. Things are getting pretty crazy here in Texas with Covid numbers spiking, but we’re healthy (thank God *knock on wood*) and glad we can still be helping others to keep themselves healthy as well. It’s wild that masks have become a part of our […]