WOD 5/24

Level Two
A. Deficit DLs @ 50-55% of DL x2x10 Rest :60
B. Bench Press x5x4-5 Sets @ 88% Rest 2:00
C1. Squat x6x6 @ 80% Rest 1:00
C2. WTD Strict Pull-up(+Kip Pull-ups) x3+(RM)x6 @ 9-10 RPE rest 2:00
(Only rep max kip pull-ups on sets 1, 3, 5 do not drop from the bar b/t strict and kip)

Cash Out
C1. Hollow Rock x10x3 Rest :30
C2. Partner GH Raises x10x3 Rest :30

Level One (Day 6)
Front Squats

A. Lift off+DL x3+2×3 Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @ 32X3 Rest :45
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 Rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12×2 Rest :45

Cash Out
Shoulder Opener Stretch
Max Side Plank Per side

Nuts and Phytic Acid: Should You Be Concerned?
*Post thoughts to comments

“I can give you a six-word formula for success: “Think things through – then follow through.”
– Edward Rickenbacker


  • Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
  • Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA.  Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here!


AM – Level 2
La Rosa S
Big Spoon S
J.V. S
Janice S
Becky S
Guthrie S
Ivan S
Big Shug S
Natalia S
Erica S
Jeff 27:00 (Tues)
Valyn S
Sandy S
Irl S
Dusty S
Schittone S
Paul S
Danimal S
Michael S
Ballet S
Tow Matt S
Kirk S
Ray S
Nic S
Chris S
Christina S
E-Rod S
Lance S
Thurst S
AM – Ladies’ 
Elizabeth S
Jenny S
Haley S
Sarah S
Tanya S
Mer S
12P – Level 1
Amber S
PM – Level 2
Danny S
Ed S
Gabriel S
Sleeves 22:12 (Tues)
Elena 29:41 (Tues)
Leigh S
Ryan S
Gwar S
Kaz S
Heather S
Jo S
Desiree S
Lane S
Jenna S
Leah S
PM – Level 1
Amy S
Egan S
Cowboy S
Brian S
German S
Marc S
Araceli S
Melissa S
Crystal S
Patty S
Omar S
Vanessa S
C2 S