WOD 8/21

Push-up Challenge Day 15
Buy in: 3000/1500
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

4 Rounds
6 Power Cleans (155 lb, 115 lb)
4 Shuttle Run

It’s usually the last ounce of effort that tips the scales of success. -Rick Beneteau

Breast Cancer and Weight lifting


The man of many nicknames

**Announcements** The Dutch Lowy Performance Development Seminar is tomorrow. There will be no Saturday 10 AM team workout.

The On-Ramp Program starts on Monday, August 31st @ 7:30 PM. What is the On-Ramp Program?

– In depth instruction on all the the foundational movements of CrossFIt Austin.
– A directed and organized approach to making effective nutritional changes.

Like I said yesterday the On Ramp Program is for anyone that wishes to thrive in the fundamentals of CrossFIt.  It is designed for folks that are new to CFA but beneficial to all.  Current CFA members are encouraged to participate for free.

AM Results
Michelle 5:53 (35 lbs)
Walker 5:24 (35 lbs)
Rob 6:44 (95 lbs)
Heather 8:04 (25 lbs)
Jerry 7:43 (35 lbs)
Blake 7:31 (135 lbs)