Free Paleo Talk with Dr. Marc Bubbs || April 23 @ 6:30 pm

Join us on Thursday, April 23rd @ 6:30 pm as we welcome Dr. Marc Bubbs! He will be giving a free presentation on his book The Paleo Project!

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Dr. Marc Bubbs is a Naturopathic Doctor and Strength & Conditioning coach based in Toronto. He specializes in Sports Medicine and is the Nutrition Lead for the Canadian Men’s National Basketball Team. Dr. Bubbs is a renowned speaker and regular contributor to Loren Cordain’s blog, and Paleo Magazine. His book ‘The Paleo Project’ was released this month and he is visiting several crossfit boxes across North America as part of a promotional tour, as well as speaking at this year’s Paleo FX conference.

Dr. Bubbs will be presenting an interactive talk based on his book, which will help members of all levels individualize their nutrition and achieve their performance potential. In the talk Dr. Bubbs discusses:

  • How to personalize the Paleo diet to upgrade performance and accelerate recovery
  • The key hormones involved in creating an anabolic environment
  • Benchmarks for achieving macronutrient intake
  • How dietary insufficiencies can lead to symptoms of overtraining

He also covers the most common questions asked by athletes, such as:

  • Should I supplement with whey isolate, grass-fed whey, or rice protein?
  • Is drinking milk a good choice?
  • How do I know if I’m consuming enough calories to support recovery?
  • What are the best supplements I can take to improve performance?