2025 Intramural Open



The 2025 CrossFit Open & CFA Intramural Open




We’re already taking some steps to help get you ready. You’ll be seeing more specific skill portions in class, working past Open WODs into the programming, doing some extra PT sessions… all in hopes of preparing for the next Open.

More details will come soon with specifics on teams and game outlines, but for now we just wanted to get the word out because when the time comes, we’re going to have to act fast!

Open to all CFA members of all skill levels.

The Intramural Open experience is a team format take on the CrossFit Games Open. All participants will be placed into a blind draft (2/22) – time/place TBD) and then drafted into different teams managed by your Team Captains.

Points will be earned by things like:

Participating in the Open Workouts
Top performance in the Open Workouts
Team Spirit
Team Outings
Showing up to Friday Night Lights
Other super fun shenanigans

And more… To be determined, but will be established before we begin!

Starting on February 27, one workout will be released from CFHQ each week for 3 weeks on Thursday evenings. We will program the workouts as part of the normally scheduled programming on Fridays  AND we will have an additional schedule that will be the BIG time for teams to gather and have a fun time together on Friday evenings. Special make ups outside of the classes/events may be requested and addressed on a case-by-base basis. The Intramural Open experience will wrap up with the final WOD announced on March 13th and we’ll have our wrap party Friday the 14th!!

The workouts will be run at the gym as part of the normal class sessions and during a special events schedule Friday evenings. If you are traveling during this time period, you may also find an affiliate to complete the standard workouts with to earn your participation points.

Because it’s fun and we believe it’ll make you better in more ways that just improving your health and fitness. Cheering each on other on in this environment gives you an experience that you can’t find anywhere else. The Open is a great way to test to see where your current potential is. We encourage everyone to participate because it’s the path that’s going to allow you to pursue your most positive potential and be able to connect with other fellow CFA family members.

For those that want to submit scores via the CFHQ Open, please feel free to do so, make sure you have a judge for your workout, and we will validate your scores via the CFHQ system accordingly. Please note, it is NOT a requirement that you sign up through HQ in order to participate with us. Signing up through HQ will allow you to see how you rank with the rest of the world, but we don’t require it for IMO.

Sign up online through the PushPress Events HERE!The registration fee is $50. This includes your t-shirt, entry fee, and funding for the finals party and winning team’s prizes

REGISTRATION DEADLINE – Friday, February 21! – The draft happens 2/22 at our February Birthday Social and shirts will be ordered immediately following! 

Again, you DO NOT have to register through CFHQ to register for the intramural open. You ONLY need to register with HQ if you want to submit your scores worldwide.

The top team will earn a GRAND prize. Details released soon!

Our focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will make you fitter, and it will get you high-fives and you’ll be happy and love life more and glow and stuff.

Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or if you have any reservations about any unique challenges, I’m positive we can work it out.

Congratulations to our 2024 Iron Buffalos || Linzi Newth & Michael Habib

Every year, we’ve chosen a male and female that stood out to us and exemplified the things that we look for in members of our community. We call this award The Iron Buffalo. The athletes chosen were not limited to physical ability alone, although both of these athletes are quite talented in their individual areas. The award also encompasses their ability to connect with their fellow CFA members, their continuous drive, and their commitment not only to this community, but to their own longevity, health, and overall being.

As we were considering the elements of this award, Tim turned to his own family and his own history. The Buffalo has been a symbol in his family for many years. From family homesteading a ranch in Buffalo, Texas where he and his brother made many childhood memories, to his hometown in Bartlesville, OK where Buffalo statues line the intersections of the city. Even the company formed to purchase the gym, The Buffalo Collective, uses the symbol.

The Buffalo, in Native American culture symbolizes a spirit of abundance and friendship. As a totem it symbolizes earth-centeredness, selflessness, and the power of a team unit. The buffalo itself is a symbol of power. It has the strength the carry heavy burdens, not just physically, but in all aspects. We find all of these qualities to be what we looked for in our athletes of the year and could not be more proud to call them the Iron Buffalo recipients.

These athletes exemplify all of these amazing qualities and more. They lead by example. They work hard. Their family and friends are a priority in their lives and they uplift and encourage those around them. We are so honored to share the interviews of our 2024 Iron Buffalo recipients, Linzi Newth & Michael Habib. Congratulations you two! We’re grateful to have you as a part of this team and this family.



When did you join the CFA community?
2012 – So many great years!

What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA? Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share?

I have so many great memories – competitions, post wod celebrations, barton springs “ice baths”…. but my favorites will always be cheering on my community at competitions. I love seeing my people push themselves further than they thought they could go.
What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?
I love the variety. I get bored easily so to have a different workout every day is essential for me.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit? 
Now is the time. If you want to see what your body is capable of, now is the time. Don’t wait.
What was your initial reason for starting (your ‘why’)? How has that ‘Why’ changed?
Twelve years ago, I was just looking for something new and fun to keep me active and in shape but then very quickly got involved in the competitive side of things. Nowadays, my “why” is focused around what I want to be able to do when I’m 80. I don’t want to be limited by my physical ability as I age.

How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?

I am a competitive person so in the beginning, I fed off the competition. Now, I focus more on short term goals, things I can obtain within 3 months or so and then I set a new goal.
What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to? 
If I have a buddy that I’ve told I will be in class, then I always go so that I don’t let them down. The community is what keeps me going when my motivation is down.
Recent PRs?
I don’t know if I’ll ever get another lifetime PR at this point so I just started over when I turned 40. I just pulled a 215# deadlift the other day which would be a post 40 PR!
Current training goals?
I really want to focus on longevity now which means I need a variety of different training styles, including mobility. I’m going to put less emphasis on really heavy weight and put more emphasis on aerobic training as well as mobility. I’m also going to throw in some sprints, just for funsies.
Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it?
Oh man, this was a tough one. I had a horse riding accident about 2 years ago. I broke my left arm and tore nearly all the ligaments in my left wrist and several in my right wrist. During the recovery, I had a difficult mental battle since I wasn’t able to do much movement at all. The hardest part though was when I was cleared to be active again. I worked my butt off in physical therapy but eventually realized that I wasn’t going to be physically able to do some of the things I used to be able to do. It was a very difficult realization but I have come to terms with it and have reset my training goals to reflect that.
What is your cheat meal go to?
Pizza and chocolate cake – I have the palate of a 5 year old.
What does the Iron Buffalo title mean to you?
This award has always held so much prestige in my eyes. I have seen so many hard working, spectacular athletes receive this award over the years, people that are driven, resilient and talented.
Thoughts upon winning the title?
I honestly couldn’t believe it. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement. During my prime years, I always hoped that I could obtain this award but after my accident, I thought it was permanently out of my reach. I can’t describe how happy it made me. It’s hard for me to place myself in the same category as all of those amazing athletes that came before me, but I’m working on it.
How will you use your new found Buffalo Strength?
Oh wow, it’s been such a great motivator for me. I feel like I need to exhibit Buffalo traits and live up to the high standards of the award so you’ll likely be seeing more of me around!
What are you most excited about in the upcoming year? Gym related and/or personally?
I’m excited to really work on my overall physical health and focus on longevity. I’m also excited to try out some new aerobic activities like pickleball and line dancing.
Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom.
Your physical ability will wax and wane over the years. Listen to your body and take care of it.





When did you join the CFA community?
January 2023.

What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA? Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share?
Going through my first Murph workout was pretty memorable. It was a rush since, like many of my Crossfit workouts,
I had no clue how I would do. I tried to remain calm and keep at it and surprised myself with how I did.

What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?
I’d say it’s the combination of how challenging Crossfit and Weightlifting are with the care and community the coaches/people provide at the gym.

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit?

Be more patient, and enjoy yourself. Be diligent with mobility/recovery, and don’t over train!

What was your initial reason for starting (your ‘why’)? How has that ‘Why’ changed?
I tend to get bored easily and felt that way about my training program at the time. It was mostly just a bodybuilding/strength type of routine with no clear goals. One day, I randomly stumbled upon the Rogue Invitational and was so impressed with how much strength, endurance, and technical ability everyone had. I remember thinking, “I want to do that!”. In the following weeks, I looked around for a CrossFit gym, and that’s how it all started.

How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?

I would attribute it to being proactive/having a strong sense of ownership over what I do at the gym. I try to be proactive in working on my weaknesses and things I feel would raise the bar for me. For example, it was clear early on that mobility was crucial for weightlifting, etc. So, I’m intentional with what I am working on/trying to improve. It’s been two years, and the rocks aren’t as big, but I still try to be intentional with my training. I come into every training session with a cue/idea of what to focus on. When I feel that cue has, in a sense, reached “cruising altitude,” I let off a little and allow myself to work on something else.

What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to?
I try to keep my emotions out of it. I wouldn’t not feed my son cuz I’m feeling sad or whatever. I view fitness/health in a similar way.

Recent PRs?
I was pretty stoked about my recent weightlifting PRs,

102kg snatch, 130kg C&J.

Current training goals?
For the nearish future, 120kg Snatch, 150kg C&J. Maybe if all goes well, in a couple of years, I can get my weightlifting total near 300kg and go to the national championships. Maybe also during all this, I can give a good try at the CrossFit season and make a quarterfinal.

Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it?
Feeling more stable in my lifts has been something that has been on my mind for a while. I worked through it by having it be a main focus of my mind during training and also with accessory work. Outside of class time I would usually dedicate training sessions to balance/stability work. Our bodies are funny in a way that if you put them through some pain in an area you want them to be better at, they will eventually give in. I use this general philosophy in anything I want to improve in fitness. Expose the body to productive stressing “inputs,” and your body will adapt; that’s all they really know how to do.

What is your cheat meal go to?
It’s kind of random for what I’m in the mood for, usually philly cheesesteaks, burgers, pizza, wings.

What does the Iron Buffalo title mean to you?
Considering the previous recipients and myself I’d say the title reflects:
– dedication to hard work / progress
– an open mind to receive feedback/coaching/critique
– an open heart to engage and be helpful
Thoughts upon winning the title?
I am honestly so honored and surprised to have won it. It truly means a lot to me.  I am not the best at rewarding myself for things, so it was nice to know that maybe I am doing okay.

How will you use your new found Buffalo Strength?
I just hope to inspire others to give it a little extra. Put on those extra kilos and allow yourself to fail; you might surprise yourself. Like my mom would always say, “Echale ganas hijo! Con todo!”

What are you most excited about in the upcoming year? Gym related and/or personally?

There are several things; personally, I’m excited to see Noah grow even more, and I’m excited to bring another kid into the world.
For the gym, I’m just excited to progress and see how far I can take things. 

Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom.

An ear to the soul
A vow to the heart
A back turned to mind
To keep the self whole
To not drift apart
To not be confined














Gut Health Episode #3 || Coach Tim

Last week we talked about things to avoid, with a few recommendations on what to eat instead. This week we will rehash those with a little bit of expounding and what you can include in some amount to help counter some of the ill effects of our favorite traditional goodies.. Maybe, just maybe, you might be able to prepare and take a dish that includes some of the following and spread the joys of gut-health to those that didn’t even know it was a thing. 


Gut-Friendly Foods to Enjoy Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a perfect time to indulge, but it doesn’t have to come at the expense of your gut health. By incorporating nutrient-dense, gut-friendly foods into your celebrations, you can support digestion and maintain a balanced microbiome. Here are some great options to keep your gut happy during the festivities.


  1. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and yogurt are rich in probiotics—beneficial bacteria that improve gut health. Adding a small serving of these to your meals can help balance your gut microbiome and aid digestion, even when indulging in heavier dishes.


  1. High-Fiber Foods

Fiber is essential for gut health, as it helps keep digestion smooth and feeds beneficial bacteria. Include fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts in your holiday meals. Roasted Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and lentil-based dishes make tasty, festive options.


  1. Prebiotic Foods

Prebiotics are the fuel for probiotics, and eating them together can enhance their benefits. Foods like garlic, onions, bananas, asparagus, and oats are excellent sources of prebiotics. Incorporate these into holiday recipes, such as roasted garlic mashed potatoes or an oat-based fruit crumble.


  1. Healthy Fats

Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds, support gut health by reducing inflammation. Use olive oil for cooking or drizzle it over salads, and consider serving dishes like roasted nuts or avocado-based dips for snacks.


  1. Herbal Teas

After a big meal, herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, or chamomile can soothe the digestive system. Ginger, in particular, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce bloating and nausea.


  1. Bone Broth

Bone broth is rich in collagen and amino acids that help repair the gut lining. It makes a comforting and nutrient-packed addition to soups or can be enjoyed as a warm drink on chilly days.

By prioritizing these gut-friendly foods during the holidays, you can support your digestive health while still enjoying the season’s festivities. Small, mindful choices can make a big difference in keeping your gut balanced and your holidays joyful.


Just like you might be able to work out on your own, having a coach and class can help hold you accountable and shortchange yourself. Sometimes we need some assistance to kick things off on the right foot or to keep them ongoing. You may need to begin with something to kickstart your gut-health journey. Here is a focused list of things that we carry that can be ordered through our CFA/Thorne partnership (create that account and get 10% off-  also linked at the bottom of the newsletter) that can help you…and the gym!


  1.   EnteroMend®: This powder-based formula combines ingredients such as L-glutamine, aloe vera, curcumin, and Boswellia to support the integrity of the gut lining, promote a healthy inflammatory response, and ease digestive discomfort. It’s a versatile product, often mixed into beverages or smoothies, to address issues like bloating and occasional GI distress  .
  2.   FloraMend Prime Probiotic®: A proprietary blend of three clinically studied probiotic strains designed to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, support digestion, and enhance the immune response. The delayed-release capsules ensure the probiotics reach the intestines effectively  .
  3.   GI-Relief®: This supplement provides support for soothing the gastrointestinal lining and maintaining a balanced inflammatory response in the gut. It’s ideal for individuals experiencing digestive discomfort or sensitivity .
  4.   Gut Health Bundle: This curated set combines Thorne’s foundational gut health products, including EnteroMend and FloraMend Prime Probiotic, to provide a comprehensive approach to gut wellness. This bundle addresses various aspects of gut health, including microbiome support and digestive function .

These products are developed using evidence-based formulations and are manufactured with a focus on quality and efficacy. To explore these options further or purchase them, visit Thorne’s website. Use our CFA link to receive 10% off ALL products!


Enjoy wisely, and we look forward to the work and of restarting or continuing to attack goals in the New Year!

Gut Health Episode #2 || Coach Tim

I first came across the gut-brain axis over 10 years ago when I was competing in CrossFit. At the time, I was about to top out of my age group and make the transition to Master’s. I wanted ( and needed) as much help dialing in my recovery as possible to improve my chances at performing well. So while I had access to a monitoring system called OmegaWave and had my metabolic recovery numbered dialed in…turns out 2lbs of Stofuerrs Lasagana wasn’t the best for my gut health. Shocking, I know…but consuming 4,500-5,000 calories on training days wasn’t always easy!


Anyways, we probably aren’t competing in caloric consumption over the holidays, so here are a few things to avoid the best we can. I understand we are human, and it is just one day. Find some joy and don’t stress out about “I can’t eat anything at Aunt Betty’s house”. While I wrote this with a Holiday spin, all of this is general “rule of thumb” things to keep in mind.


Best Foods to Avoid Over the Holidays to Maintain Gut Health

The holiday season is a time of indulgence, but too much of the wrong foods can wreak havoc on your gut health. Overeating sugary treats, rich meals, and processed snacks can disrupt the delicate balance of your gut microbiome, leading to discomfort, bloating, or even long-term issues. To stay on track while still enjoying the festivities, here are some foods to approach with caution.


  1. Sugary Sweets and Desserts

Cookies, cakes, and candies are holiday staples, but their high sugar content feeds harmful gut bacteria, leading to imbalances. Excessive sugar can also contribute to inflammation and digestive upset. Opt for desserts made with natural sweeteners or fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth in a gut-friendly way.


  1. Fried and Greasy Foods

Fried appetizers and rich main courses are common during the holidays, but they can be hard on your digestive system. These foods often slow digestion and may lead to bloating or discomfort. Instead, choose baked, roasted, or grilled options that are equally delicious but kinder to your gut.


  1. Dairy-Rich Dishes

Cheesy casseroles, creamy dips, and eggnog are holiday favorites, but they can cause issues, especially for those with lactose sensitivity. Dairy-heavy foods can lead to bloating or diarrhea. Opt for dairy-free alternatives like almond milk in your recipes or limit portions to avoid overloading your gut.


  1. Processed Meats

Holiday charcuterie boards and ham often feature processed meats (some are better than others), which are high in saturated fats, sodium, and preservatives. These can negatively impact your gut bacteria and overall health. Instead, include lean protein sources like roasted turkey or plant-based options.


  1. Alcohol

While festive cocktails and glasses of wine are part of the celebration, alcohol disrupts gut bacteria and can lead to inflammation. If you drink, do so in moderation, and stay hydrated by alternating with water or herbal teas.

By making mindful choices and limiting these foods, you can enjoy the holiday season without sacrificing your gut health. Balance indulgence with nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep your digestive system happy.


A day of celebration likely won’t be the end of your goals, but it is easy to let things slip back in during the course of the holiday season. Staying mindful can keep us on the right track and ready to achieve that next goal, whether that is a Weightlifting Meet, The CrossFit Open, a HYROX race, or just staying fit enough to enjoy other hobbies and challenges.

December Athlete of the Month || Graham Lavine!!

Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow classmates and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit Austin Community should be about.

Our final Athlete of the Month for 2024 is none other than a longtime 7:30am regular, Graham Lavine! Graham originally came to us back in May 2023 with a background in baseball and a few years behind a desk in the finance industry. His college roomie — our pal Griffin — referred him to CFA, and it’s been a steady climb of improvement and growth for the last year and a half. Graham is low key and can totally fly under the radar, but he’s one of those members you wish you’d gotten more in photos and on videos in his early days because now he’s standing taller, looking slimmer, and lifting so much more. Perhaps as a prize, we’ll play an entire hour of Phish just for you, Graham! Congratulations!

State your Name and/or Nickname please:


Words to live by?

Poor planning does not constitute for an emergency.

What is your fitness background?

High school / athletic weight lifting. Grew up playing baseball and took a break for the majority of college / post-graduation.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

Since March/April 2023

Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

First day was nervous and just trying to get through the workout / today trying to work on improving and developing new skills and pushing myself to get the best workout.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?

The community/people/coaches.

Current Training Goals/PRs?

To get stronger and continue to develop weaker skills like gymnastics.

What advice do you have for folks just starting out in CrossFit?

Trust the process.

How do you balance staying focused in your training when life gets busy?

Just do it.

What is your “cheat meal” go-to?

Whataburger patty melt

How do you use your fitness outside of the gym?

Lifting heavy things and conditioning?

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your fitness journey?

Continuing to develop new skills and progressions.

Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout.

Completing a workout that you don’t think you’ll complete.

If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

Either ‘Anything but Burpees’ or my most recent ex-girlfriend’s name at the time.

What keeps you going on the days you don’t feel like it?

Knowing I usually feel better after a workout.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Taking my dog to the park, bbqing/grilling, and concerts.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

Similar to my interests. I’m a foodie – I’m really good at bbqing and grilling and I like to travel and go see live music.

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…

Thank you for taking me into the CFA community when I didn’t know anyone yall are amazing.















Gut Health Episode #1 || Coach Tim

We are smack dab in the middle of the “Holidaze”. The mad rush between holiday parties, gift shopping, school plays, end of year reviews, travel, trying to relax and spend time with friends & family, goal setting….you name it. Time can oftentimes feel like quick sand. It can be hard to focus with so many things going on. As I’m writing this I’m having a flashback to growing up and a show my mom used to watch….”like sand in the hourglass, these are the days of our lives”. With so many things going on, it can be easy to rush through one of our best performance enhancers to help us achieve everything we are trying to accomplish and stay on track. Nutrition. Specifically, nutrition that aids us in our gut health. Below, we’ll touch on what gut health is and a few of the big things it can play a role in regulating.
Why Gut Health is Essential for Overall Well-Being
Gut health plays a vital role in maintaining overall wellness, yet it’s often overlooked. The gut, home to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiome, influences digestion, immunity, mood, and even brain health. Caring for your gut is about more than avoiding discomfort; it’s about fostering a strong foundation for long-term health. Here are a few key components of gut health and what it means for you.
*The Gut’s Role in Digestion
The gut is central to breaking down food and absorbing nutrients your body needs to function. An unhealthy gut can lead to symptoms like bloating, constipation, or diarrhea and can impair your body’s ability to extract essential nutrients. A balanced microbiome promotes smooth digestion, ensuring you feel energized and nourished.
*The Gut-Immune System Connection
As my kids have begun to go to school, feeding them things to improve their immune system has been a topic of focus in my house. Here’s why….Nearly 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. 70%! That’s as much of the Earth’s surface covered in water! A diverse and thriving microbiome helps regulate immune responses, protecting the body from harmful pathogens. Conversely, an imbalanced gut can trigger inflammation, which may lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes or autoimmune conditions.
*Gut Health and Mental Wellness
The gut-brain connection, often referred to as the “gut-brain axis,” highlights the link between gut health and mental well-being. The gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin, which regulate mood and sleep. Side-note, sleep is probably the most underrated performance enhancer of all time. Trust me… I currently feel this one deeply as my wife and I are outnumbered by tiny humans aged 3 or less. Different blog post. Anyways, a disrupted microbiome can contribute to anxiety, depression, and cognitive issues.
*Signs of Poor Gut Health-Do I have gut issues?
Symptoms such as frequent digestive discomfort, fatigue, skin issues, or food intolerances can be signs that your gut needs attention. Lifestyle factors like poor diet, stress, and lack of sleep can disrupt your gut’s balance, making it important to adopt healthy habits.
*How to Support Gut Health
Maintaining gut health involves eating a fiber-rich, diverse diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi. Staying hydrated, managing stress, and exercising regularly also support a healthy gut microbiome. Avoiding excessive sugar, processed foods, and unnecessary antibiotics is equally crucial.
By prioritizing gut health, you can improve not only digestion but also immunity, mental health, and overall quality of life. A healthy gut truly is the cornerstone of well-being, making it essential to nurture this often-overlooked part of your body.
If one or more of these hit home with you, and you’ve tried different diets, consider looking deeper into what improving your gut health can look like for you and your life. Next week, in Part 2 of this series, we’ll touch on some big players to stay away from/seriously limit when attending so many parties, functions and get-togethers over the next several weeks.

November Athlete of the Month || Ali Diesel!!

Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow classmates and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit Austin Community should be about.

Our 2024 November Athlete of the Month is Ali Diesel! The moment Ali walked into CFA, we knew she was our people. Friendly, chatty, and warm… she was in an instant “community” fit. Once she was out on the gym floor, we saw she was willing to learn, highly coachable, and supportive of her classmates… she’s honestly a coach’s dream. Over the last year, she’s worked incredibly hard to learn new skills and gain impressive strength! As a former gymnast, it was all about adjusting her training, playing it smart, and practicing fitness maturity in order to work around some old injuries, and today, she’s moving well and getting in great workouts! She is a wonderful example to others, and we know for certain she is inspiring those around her every day. We’re so grateful for Ali and all she brings to our community! Congratulations!!

State your Name and/or Nickname please:

Ali Diesel

Words to live by?

No one fights alone

What is your fitness background?

I grew up pretty sporty and have remained rather active in adult life. I started dancing when I was 5 (mostly ballet, jazz) and continued through high school. Swapped soccer for field hockey in high school and continued that through undergrad. Did gymnastics and track as well. Dabbled in pole vaulting briefly in college when they needed more girls… lol. Took a bit of a “fitness hiatus” during vet school and residency before refocusing on health. Got into more distance running (have done up to a 50-miler) and triathlon for awhile (have a few half Ironman distance under my belt) before finally finding CFA.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

I just had my 1 year anniversary in October 2024!

Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

I remember my intro session with Heidi and thinking, “okay..I think I’m really going to like this”. During my first class with Alien and the 6pm crew, I was super intimated and felt way lost (Metcon what?). But everyone was super friendly and welcoming to my newbie self. It was awesome to watch folks who have clearly been at this for awhile… #goals. The workout kicked my butt and I felt super weak. Now, the workouts still kick my butt but it’s been awesome to see the changes and progress in strength and confidence that have happened over the past year.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?

Hands down the community. I love CFA!! All of the coaches are super knowledgeable, encouraging, and overall great people. Special shout out especially to Alien and Heidi and also Dylan. The folks I have had the joy (and pain….sunshine.. and rain.. lol) of working out with are true friends, amazing badasses, and humans I love spending time with in and out of the gym. I’m beyond grateful to have found this place.

Current Training Goals/PRs?

Keep gaining strength and confidence. Keep working on solid form. Keep doing the things that are hard.

What advice do you have for folks just starting out in CrossFit?

This is the best group to get started with! Take things at your pace, there’s no judgement. The amount of growth and change that comes with consistently going to class and showing up is amazing. Do the things. Get to know the community. It makes the workouts much more fun.

How do you balance staying focused in your training when life gets busy?

I’ve learned that if I don’t exercise in some way consistently, my mental health tanks. I’ve burnt out from work before, and it’s something I don’t want to happen again. Exercise keeps me balanced. It’s the best way I can get out of my head. Even if the work day is being dumb, I’m looking forward to that 6pm class to sweat, lift heavy things, and get grounded again. It’s a non-negotiable for me to be able to get to the gym.

What is your “cheat meal” go-to?

Not so much of a cheat meal…. but a go to comfort food after a dumb day is always Mac and cheese. Or any hot cheese. Or really cheese in any form (Marco knows this… lol)

How do you use your fitness outside of the gym?

I have a group that I run with every Monday night (Austin Triathlon Club). Since joining CFA, my running has gotten so much better and stronger… without specifically running more. That’s been fun to see! My job is pretty physical… I do veterinary dermatology. So I’m constantly manipulating, lifting, working with animals. Help deadlift that sedated shepherd onto the table? No problem. Long hikes and adventures? Always up for some outdoor physical fun.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your fitness journey?

I dislocated my shoulder (doing yoga.. heh..oops) in 2019. After 3 surgeries, I was cleared to restart doing the physical activities I enjoyed. I had two pretty bad car accidents within a year (most recent last January) and have some residual nerve stuff from bulging discs in back and neck. There are things that I really struggle with and have limitations (especially shoulder things and overhead stability). Some is physical. Much is mental. Working with and through that is hard sometimes.

Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout.

With this lift cycle and working on deadlifts, I’ve felt really psyched to see the gains. When I shared a bar with Melissa and managed to keep up the other week, I was pumped!!

If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

I always love reading what folks put for this…heeeee.
I think it would be something like:
AMRAP 20min
200m run
10 deadlifts
30 sit-ups

What keeps you going on the days you don’t feel like it?

I always feel better after working out. Especially when a workout kicks my butt, that feeling of “that sucked… but I did it” is a real confidence boost. It’s all about putting in the work. Only way to see the continued progress.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

I love hiking and going on adventures, dancing (Marco and I are currently doing West Coast swing… so much fun!), cooking, travel, and cats (and dogs.. heh)

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I have a “house of carbs” right now (two dogs – Potato and Jelly (the simple carb), and the best three-legged cat – Crouton)

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…

Thank you all so much for being a part of my life. So grateful to have found CFA!



October Athlete of the Month || Robert Heaivilin!!

Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow classmates and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit Austin Community should be about.

Our 2024 October Athlete of the Month is Rob H! Also known as Scorpio, he has been putting in the work with us for a year and some change, but has fit into our community so well it fells like longer!  Scorpio has been consistent since the day he joined.  He’s such a hard worker in and outside the gym. Despite his very busy life, he manages to make it to the gym and always has a good attitude. He’s a delight to coach in every class! Coach Marco describes him as “a quiet beast you can’t miss with a huge booty” 😂  Congratulations Scorpio! So well deserved! Thank you for being part of our gym and setting an amazing example to our community!

State your Name and/or Nickname please:

Robert / Scorpio

Words to live by?

Same heart, but keep shooting to be better mentally, physically, emotionally.

What is your fitness background?

CrossFit, and swimming, that’s about it. I have never had much of a fitness background, besides trying to fit a whole large pizza in me in one sitting.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

10 years or so, and I will still scale farmer carry dumbbell box step overs every time. Let’s not ask about muscle ups or handstand walks either.

Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

I signed up for my first spartan race and I needed something to help me prepare. My first class was in Vegas and it was all body weight and kettle bells and light dumbbells. By the end of the class I wanted to puke, right then and there I knew CrossFit was for me, if it was going to make me push myself to that point.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?

The community. It’s what I missed the most when my last gym closed. It’s how I was able to meet some amazing people when I first moved to Austin. I found that here at CrossFit Austin as well. Great seeing everyone on tough days and pushing through a workout together and telling each other good job, and staying after on Thursdays here and there to enjoy a beer with everyone.

Not to mention the best coach, and friend, Coach Alien, who gave me my nickname and has been one of the most important people I’ve met here in Austin.
Always knowledgeable, makes class fun and always on point with music choice 🐱

Current Training Goals/PRs?

I’ve always tried to hit 500lbs on my deadlift so that’s been my goal for a few years

What advice do you have for folks just starting out in CrossFit?

Even 2.5lbs over your PR is still a PR. Don’t get down on yourself if you were only able to add 2.5lbs and not a big number jump. Be consistent and focus on breathing during the workouts.

How do you balance staying focused in your training when life gets busy?

I don’t lol either one part is burning while the other isn’t lol but the world isn’t going to stop so I just keep showing up and grinding through it regardless.

What is your “cheat meal” go-to?

Broooo give me a double pepperoni with pineapple pizza, Guinness, and some chocolate cake.

How do you use your fitness outside of the gym?

I can still carry my 130lb 9 year old and my 35lb three year old at the same time. All I need them to know is I can still carry them while rough housing lol

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your fitness journey?

Weight and body image issues. I’ve gone from 240lbs to 165lbs and back to 215lbs so I’ve gone through all the pant sizes while doing CrossFit and the only time I was happy with my size and weight was when I was happy mentally so focusing on the physical isn’t always what’s going to make you happy and I’ve learned through those challenges and how to handle the image issues.

Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout.

None come to mind but there’ve been some workouts where I’ve wanted to walk away from when we still have 5 rounds to go and it’s already been 5 rounds, so pushing through those workouts always makes me feel proud.

If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

If we had a pool I would do 1500m freestyle swim, then 10 rounds of 6 deadlifts at 250lbs and 6 cals on the bike, and finish with a buyout of a 300m truck pull.

What keeps you going on the days you don’t feel like it?

Knowing what I’ll feel like if I don’t go.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Watching movies (Star Wars, and horror), traveling, and hanging out with friends and family.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I was born up in Fort Hood, raised in Oahu, Hawaii and Vegas, until moving here in 2016.

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…

May the force be with you.


















Bio-Hacks with Coach Sam || Bio-Hack #5 – No Food 3 Hours Before Bed

Bio-Hack #5: No Food 3 Hours Before Bed

As I enjoy the waves here in Bali, I want to share a powerful bio-hack that can enhance your health and performance.

Have you noticed a difference in your hunger levels or overall health after incorporating more protein and fiber into your meals?

This week’s hack focuses on improving your sleep and body composition:

**Bio-Hack #5: Stop eating 3 hours before bed.**

Late-night eating can disrupt your sleep and is linked to weight gain. A study published in the *American Journal of Clinical Nutrition* found that those who ate close to bedtime had higher body fat levels compared to those who didn’t.

Let’s face it: willpower tends to be low at night, making it tough to control portions. By establishing the habit of not eating 3 hours before bedtime, your body will adapt, and it will become easier over time.


– You’ll reduce your overall calorie intake.

– You’ll improve your quality of sleep.

This week, I challenge you to observe how adjusting your eating schedule impacts your sleep and morning energy levels.

Stay strong, and enjoy the journey!

Bio-Hacks with Coach Sam || Bio-Hack #4 – Protein & Veggies

Bio-Hack #4: Protein & Veggies at Every Meal

I hope your sleep has improved with last week’s bio-hack.

What changes have you noticed?

This week might be my favorite hack.

Bio-Hack #4: Include protein and veggies at every meal. A protein-rich diet has been found to increase satiety and decrease overall caloric intake, aiding weight management. Simultaneously, veggies’ high volume and fiber content can help slow digestion, keeping you full and curbing overeating. A study in the Journal of Nutrition suggests high fiber and protein diets result in lower overall energy intake due to these satiating effects.

This week, take a moment to assess your plate at each meal.

Can you add more protein or fiber-rich produce?

My favorite high protein sources are always lean meats. You can use low-fat or nonfat dairy, egg whites, protein powders, and even tofu/seitan if you are vegan.

See you next week for our final bio-hack

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