WOD 6/23

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2:00 and/or, :90/Side Side Plank Holds
2 Rounds double tennis ball Thoracic Mobility Drill

Skill Work:
Snatches, and handstands



Ability is a poor man’s wealth. -John Wooden


CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th don’t forget to sign up for your timeslot!
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd sign up for your timelot HERE.

Am Results
Push-Ups Pull-ups
Chaz 50 46
Joy 30 (KPU) 10 (Band)
Eddie 31 (KPU) 10 (Band)
Neal Mobility
Stephen 52 38
Cody 36 37
Ainsley 64 54
Schittone 38 21
John 64 21
PM Results
Betsy 50 42
Cat 54 (KPU) 38 (Band)
Tasha 48 (KPU) 38 (Band)
The Beast 65 45 (Band)
Mark 53 (KPU) 30 (Band)
Jerry 85 48
Sleeves 63 40
LV 43 27 (Band)
Ali 65 37
Carissa 62 (KPU) 28 (Band)
Darlene 53 (KPU) 63 (Band)
Anthony 43 (KPU) 12 (Band)
On Ramp
Ryan 3:35
Kristen 4:20
Crash 6:14
Megan 4:46
Zoom 4:45