WOD 7/16

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45

Snatch Grip Deadlifts (3111) 5×3
Rest :20
DH Pull-ups (2010) 5xAMRAP
Rest :20
Dips (2010) 5xAMRAP
Rest 1:00
*Pull-ups, Dips, and Snatch weights to comments


3 Rounds

5 Power Cleans (95lbs, 65lbs)
7 Press (95lbs, 65lbs)
5 Yo-Yo’s (5-10-5 forward/back)

Ideas shape the course of history. -John Maynard Keynes

Fish Oil and Breast Cancer

-The CrossFit Games finals will be live streamed online all weekend, check it out here

Get ready for the new challenge! The “Mohican Warrior Challenge”!
Details on Monday, put July 31st and September 11th on your calendar!

AM Results
Nick 8:27 MOD
Fro 8:39 Rx
Mel 9:31 (55lbs)
Mike 8:01 (75lbs)
Cat 7:11 (55lbs)
Rob 6:11 Rx
Jables 7:29 (50lbs)
Liz 8:56 Rx
Michelle 7:35 (45lbs)
John 7:38 (75lbs)