WOD 7/17
Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45
Powell Raises (3010) 3×12
Ext. Rot. (3010) 3×12
5 Rounds
:30 Lunges
:30 Thrusters (95lbs, 65lbs)
:30 Lateral Barbell Hops (over & back=1)
:30 Push-ups
Rest 1:00
Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. -Vince Lombardi
-The CrossFit Games finals will be live streamed online all weekend, check it out here
Results | |
Team 1 |
936 |
TOW Matt | |
Darlene | |
Alex | |
Anthony | |
Team 2 | 958 |
Trey | |
LV | |
Ryan | |
Jordan | |