WOD 4/11

Level Two
2 Rounds of Mobility #2:
:30 HIRT
1:00 Shin on Wall
:30/side SL Glute Holds (Hip Bridge)
1:00 Thoracic w/ Foam Roller & BB
:30/side Crime Scene
:30/side Lacrosse Ball Scaps Rack pos.

5 Rounds
10 Butterfly MB Sit-ups
10 Burpees

Level One (Day 13)
Level 2 Field Trip Day!

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers 

Is Paleo even Paleo? And does it even matter?
*Post thoughts to comments


  • We’ve started a new morning and evening bootcamp at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails! Learn more here.
  • Mark your calendars and get those tube socks out! CFA will have a “Risky Run” Pub Run on April 13th (this Friday!)… More details here. 

AM – Level 1
Andrew 10:55
Jamey 9:38
Tanya 9:59
Lindsey 10:10
Sean 9:02
Loren 9:56
Lauren 9:59
Linda 10:25
AM – Level 2
Mikey 17:07
Sparker 18:51
JV 17:24
Raquel 17:07 (4RNDS)
TowMatt 17:46
Mrs. Fro 24:12
Gwar 18:08
Tim 18:15
Michele 21:03 (MOD)
Eric 17:00
Jeff 16:18
Gary 17:56
Gold 17:49 (Team)
12P – Level 2
Blake 18:20
Kiehl 16:22
Mer 20:28
Lance S
Lee 18:31
Colleen 17:28
Heather 21:04
Laila 18:04
Christina 23:09
Thurst 21:07
Jess 19:43
PM – Level 2
Jay 14:45
Simone 18:45
Ronnie 16:36
Bryan 17:10
Nic 14:36
Lane 16:18
Tasha 17:13
LG 20:59
Place 19:40
Dain 16:08
Helen 18:49
Pam 21:18
Corey 15:50
Brittani 16:28
Parnell 16:53
David 17:41
Greg 13:59
AG 16:50
Cooey 25:40
Ruffino 21:38
KT 21:46
Adrian 19:10
Leah 20:20
LaRosa 19:35
Josie 22:27
Angela 14:45
Andy 16:32
PM – Level 1
Janet 8:56
Eric 10:50
Jeff 10:05
Odindu 10:46
Mr. T 12:23
Alyson 15:05
Rachel 13:24
Jo 10:48
C2 12:32
Natalia 11:57
Alan 10:19
Fran 15:37
Lauren 12:54