Big Dawg Challenge Update
Ladies and gentleman, the workouts are in, they will be posted early Saturday morning. Below are some things to be prepared for on Saturday.
- All competitors should be prepared to count for their fellow competitors, the challenge will take approximately 1 hour to complete, so plan on sticking around the entire duration (9 AM-11:30 AM) that will give us ample time to run two big heats.
- If you have not already, please sign-up for the event on the OPT Blog HERE , and reserve your spot at CFA HERE. It is only $5 to compete, we will except cash at the gym.
- We will not be holding our normal Saturday team workout, anyone is welcome to compete in the challenge but do so knowing it will be a competition. You will be expected to know how to perform all of the prescribed movements, and there will be no skill sessions.
Looking forward to seeing everyone compete, please email me at with any additional questions!!