“Paint It Pink”
To Team CFA,
We stand together, a sea of pink and a spirit of pride.
You walk in together, game face on and pink shirt donned.
The WOD begins, we hold our breath.
You sweat, you strain, you crush every move.
We support, we scream, we clap with every rep.
We yell your name, we want you to hear
How proud we are, so much love in every cheer.
The WOD is done, the time is out, you gave it your all.
We know you left everything you had out on the floor.
You gasp for air, your shoulders ache, and your legs are burning.
Our throats are sore, our hands hurt, and our hearts are racing.
You inspire us as equally as we motivate you.
We lift you up as you elevate us all.
We are CrossFit Austin.
We Paint It Pink.
*Thanks to the lovely and talented Julie “Crash” Shamblin for submitting this awesome reflection on the past weekend!