Training 7/22


ELDOA Stretches
(40 secs)

25 min Aerobic Row or airdyne (HR 120-130)
*Every 10 min 10 Tree Tops  + 10 corner wipers

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements


ELDOA Stretches
(40 secs)

25 min Aerobic Row or airdyne (HR 120-130)
*Every 10 min 10 Tree Tops  + 10 corner wipers

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Front Squats  @ 40%,  4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement
*No Rest b/t movements