WOD 10/12

All Levels
A1. RDL x10x3 @ 75%+ of Clean Rest :30
A2. Jane Fonda x:20×3 Rest :30
A3. Russian KB Swings x10x3 Rest 2:00

Box Jumps
DB Snatches/Arm (35 lb, 20 lb)
*10:00 Cap

 Beards & Strength
*Post thoughts to comments

“I know what I have to do, and I’m going to do whatever it takes. If I do it, I’ll come out a winner, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else does.” – Florence Griffith Joyner

AM – All
Sean 8+12 Rx
Big Spoon 9+23 Rx
Can2 9+10
Garrett 7:10
LaRosa 7+25 Rx
Janice 8+18 Rx
Shannon 8+17 Rx
Guthrie 8 Rx
Jacklyn 8
Jackie 9+13
Brad 9+5 Rx
Ballet 9+20 Rx
Tow Matt 8+19 (MOD)
Schittone 9+1
Tim 8+20 Rx
Suzi 7+10
Big Easy 7+16
Kelly 7+8
Oliver 8+5
Derek 7+14
Lisa 7+10 Rx
Mer 8
Linzi 8+9 Rx
Laila 8 Rx
LV 9+18 Rx
Erica 8+24 Rx
12P – All
Mikey 9+7 Rx
Gil 7+5 Rx
Kiehler 8+22 Rx