WOD 10/15

10 Minutes Max Round
5 Power Snatches (95 lb, 75 lb)
10 Swings (24K, 16K)
15 Push Ups

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. -Nelson Mandela

Primal Marinades


AM Results
Heiny 4 (45 lb, Knee)
Lyzz 6 (35 lb, Knee)
Amber 6 (40 lb, 12 K, Knee)
Tow Matt 5 (65 lb)
PM Results
Claire 4 (35lb, 12K, Knee)
Jessica G. 5 (35lb, 12K, Knee)
Megan 5 (45lb, Knee)
Andrew 6 (75lb)
Blake 5 Rx
Louis 4 (45lb, 16K)
OJOE 5 (55lb, 16K, Knee)
JJ 4 (45lb)
Aaron 4 (45lb, 16K)
Ashley 6 (45lb, 12K, Knee)
Brian 6 (45lb, 35lb, Knee)
Big Matt 5 (65lb)
Thiel 8 Rx+32K
Lisa 6 Rx
On Ramp
Zach 7:01
Aubrey 7:56
Darlene 8:58
Matt 7:28