WOD 10/2
Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
:30 Static Hang w/Chin over bar
(Chest to bar if possible, Fraction/Weight as needed)
Competition 1
Max seconds of a Handstand Hold
Max second of a Static Hang w/ Chin over the bar
*All teammates work at the same time
*Score= Total accumulated seconds/team
Competition 2:
Max Lunge steps in 5 Minutes (hands on ears)
*One teammate works at a time
*Score= total Lunge steps
Competition 3:
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
2 Power Cleans (135 lb, 95 lb)
50 M Sprint
*One teammate works at a time
*Score=Total completed rounds
Lowest score wins, final score decided by combining placements in each competition.
Nothing happens unless first we dream. -Carl Sandburg
-Our lost and found box will be emptied on Sunday, October 10th! Please look through it and take your belongings:)
-Ladies Night is coming up again this Monday, October 4th. We will be meeting at 7:30pm at Red Table Coffee at 6000 S. Congress Suite 106. See you all there!
–Watch Coach Chad, Nugget, Wes, and Team Snatchasaurus Rex compete in the USAW/CF Meet this weekend HERE
Nugget lifts @ 10 AM
Chad lifts @ 3 PM
Wes lifts @ 3 PM
Teams | Comp 1 | Comp 2 | Comp 3 | Total |
Winner & “G” | 215 | 198 | 39 | 452 |
Walker & Erik | 315 | 169 | 43 | 527 |
Alex & Kirk | 251 | 174 | 40 | 465 |
Stephanie, Kristin & Anthony | 293 | 183 | 36 | 512 |
Christy & L.G. | 283 | 162 | 39 | 484 |