WOD 10/22
Buy In/Cash Out
2x AMSAP plank holds (goal=:90/side)
5 Rounds
5 Strict Chin-ups
5 Burpees
100 M Run (Active Rest, so focus on perfect running technique)
10 DB Snatches/Arm (35lbs, 20lbs)
10 DB Thrusters (35lbs, 20lbs)
100 M Run (Active Rest, so focus on perfect running technique)
15 American KB Swings (24K, 16k)
15 Squats
100 M Run (Active Rest, so focus on perfect running technique)
A picture is worth a thousand words. -Napoleon Bonaparte
-CFA is changing our morning class times!! Starting THIS WEEK, we will be offering a 5:30am Monday and Wednesday class, and will no longer be offering an 8:30am Monday and Wednesday class. The new morning schedule will look like this:
Monday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Tuesday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Thursday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Friday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
-It’s almost time for CFA’s Ladies’ Night again! Nov. 1st at 7:30pm we will be meeting at Milano Cafe 4601 Southwest Parkway Austin, TX 78735
-CFA will be hosting the Big Dawg Challenge Nov. 13th! Find out more information here
AM Results | |
Taylor | 26:42 (20lbs, Band) |
Blake | 27:04 Rx |
Melicious | 28:24 (15lbs, 20lbs, Band) |
CC | 30:11 (10lbs, 15lbs, Band) |
Eddie | 32:20 (20lbs, 30lbs, Band) |
TOW Matt | 35:53 (Band) |
Ray | 24:14 (20lbs, 12K) |
Stephanie | 27:51 (12lbs, 12K, Band) |
Rob | 31:27 Rx |
Michelle | 27:20 (12K, 12#, J) |
Betsy | 28:24 (Jump) |
Lyzz | 30:20 (12K, 15#, Band) |
Walker | 30:39 (15#, Jump) |
Shanan | 30:49 (Jump) |
Curby | 34:30 Rx |
Kristin | 35:16 (20 #, 15#, Band) |
Chris | 37:29 Rx |