WOD 10/22

Performance – Week 8 of 8 Test Week!
500m Row
100 Wall Balls @ 20 lbs, 14 lbs
100 Burpees
500m Row
*Partition the Wall Balls and burpees however you see fit
*30:00 Time Cap

Push Press

A. Push Press x4x4

6 Rounds
8 KB Front Squats
8 KB Swings
8 KB Push Press (Last Rep Hold 20secs perfect midline)
Rest 1 min
*KBs or DBs
*Record Push Press

“Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin


Congrats to Maureen and Chrome for finishing in 2nd place at the Doggy Dash 5k this weekend!

Foundations – AM
Dan 115
Bryan 85
Melanie 85
V 55
Courtney 135
Daniel 105
Dustin 75
Adrian 105
Amy 55
Brian 85
Tom 135
Corn Dog 55
Jannica 55
Gilbert 75
Performance – AM
Matt 23:31
Sarah 23:37
Janet 23:31
Jonathan 25:59
Ken 27:26
Lee 28:31
Tineke 23:08
Humberto 23:03
Gage 22:16
Jenny 23:15
Sissy 22:01
Carlos 23:50
Jillian 24:22
Snooki 24:57
Dayna 19:36
Silas 30:00
Tow Matt 21:48
Jose 24:36
Michele 20:00
Ray 19:39
Larry 23:46
Ladies Class
Kristen 22:28
Sydney 23:27
Rebecca 23:05
Mer 23:01
Stefani 27:07
Josie 30:00
Performance – Noon
Tanner 23:50
 Performance – PM
Austen 24:20
Gil 24:17
Nicole “Coco” 26:54
E-Rod 26:45
Ian 15:30
Jeanette 24:14
Sean 21:40
“ABC” 30:36
 Mike 26:50
 Jessica 22:56
 Morgan 24:51
 Jackie 29:22
 Allyson 19:45
 Missy 20:46
 Paul 23:57
 Velvet 21:22
 Page “2-Chain” 20:31
 Evan 20:11
 Rahul 25:24
 Brian 25:26
 JRod 22:45
 Carrolyn 26:26
 Frank 24:24