WOD 10/28

Performance – Week 1 of 8 Strength Phase
A. Hang Clean x3x6 by feel (appx. 70-75%)
*Clean weight recorded

On a continuous clock
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps @ 24”,20”
10 Dumbbell Snatch @ 45 lb, 25 lbs  (Total)
@ 6:00
5 Rounds
5 Ring Rows
20 Double Unders
@ 9:00
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps @ 24”,20”
10 Dumbbell Snatch @ 45 lb, 25 lbs (Total)

3 Rounds
:60 Hollow Hold
:60 Hamstring Stretch


A. Clean x1-2×6
B. DB Walking Lunges x10/Totalx4

2 Rounds
25 Wall Ball
25 Single Jump Rope

DB Windmills x5/5×3

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” -Vince Lombardi

Over the weekend Coach Wes Snatched 286# and C&J 352#, qualifying for the American Open!  Way to go, Wes!

Coach Wes qualified for the American Open over the weekend by Snatching 286# and C&J 352#!

Foundations – AM
Vy 65 lb 4:59
Logan 105 lb 2:37
Tom 185 lb 2:34
Jenna 65 lb 3:20
Gilbert 105 lb 2:24
Performance – AM
Mitch 95
Humberto 65
Matt C 135
Sissy 55
Snooki 40
Ryan 135
Emily 45
Shelby 110
Ivan 135
Jenny 75
Lane 135
Mick 145
Dayna 95
Sarah 70
Sydney 60
Mr.T 175
Red 65
Jose 105
Ed 115
Mercy 75
George 95
Ray 135
Performance – Noon
Avtar 85
Mer 90
Tanner 135
Dixie 105
Foundations – PM
Lauren 65 lb 2:48
Max 105 lb 2:30
Courtney 105 lb
Performance – PM
Taylor 95
Boone 155
Gab 115
ABC 105
Shaun 155
Austen 165
Matt Fry 115
Sean C 105
Ed 95
Mayela 70
Jessica 70
Melissa 45
Ally 85
Missy 85
Maddie 75
Coco 75
Chris 135
Paul 135
Denise 50
Carolyn 50
Rahul 115
Liz 40
Nicole 85
Leah 85
Velvet 75
Cassie 75
Andy 95