WOD 10/5

7 Sets
1-3 Weighted Dips/Dips/Push-ups 1-3 @ (5111)
Rest :30
1-3 Split Squats/leg @ 6310
Rest :30
3 Hip Power Snatches (Light and Fast, hold 3 seconds at the top)
Rest 1:00


5 Rounds
10 Burpees AFAP
10 Presses (95 lbs, 75 lbs)
1:00 Rest

Fortune favors the prepared mind. -Louis Pasteur

Pain Illusions

-Olympic weightlifting class is back! Join Chad tomorrow at 3 PM, 6:30 PM or 7:30 PM
-Our lost and found box will be emptied on Sunday, October 10th!  Please look through it and take your belongings:)
Happy Hour at Little Woodrows in Southpark Meadows on Thursday, October 14th at 7:30pm!!


PR Board for September...Keep up the great work everyone!

AM Results  
Tow Matt 11:27 (75lb)
Andrew 11:22 (65lb)
Jables 11:33 (35lb)
Mike 12:54 (65lb)
Arnie 13:53 (35lb)
Tristy 11:34 (45lb)
Walker 11:04 (35lb)
Rob 10:38 (75lb)
Boone 11:15 (75lb)
PM Results  
Cat 11:03 (45lbs)
Christy 11:07 (25lbs)
Stefan 13:26 (45lbs)
David 11:13 (65lbs)
Tasha 11:05 (25lbs)
J.C. 11:09 (55lbs)
L.G. 12:19 (35lbs)
Cara 10:14 (25lbs)
Jen 10:35 (25lbs)
Kavi 9:52 (35lbs)
Kirk 11:18 (75lbs)
Liz 9:58 (45lbs)