WOD 10/5

Push-up Challenge Day 50!
Buy in: 10,000/5000
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

Max Rounds In 10 Minutes
15 Push Press (95 lb, 75 lb)
10 Burpees

There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.-Willa Cather

Isn’t it my genes?

– The brand new Circle C CrossFit bootcamp starts Monday October 12 @ 6 AM click HERE for more info or to sign up!
– We have 10 spots available for our next On Ramp Class sign up HERE to save your spot.
– The Push-up Challenge ends today! Stay tuned tomorrow for our next challenge!


AM Results
Jerry 5 (45 lb)
Blake 5 Rx
Andrew 5 (65 lb)
PM Results
Joe R. 5 (75 lb)
Nugget 6 Rx
Tristy 6 (45 lb)
Sherman 5 Rx
Chris 5 (45 lb)
Pato 5 Rx
Betsy 4 (65 lb)
Winner 5 (15 lb)
Aaron 4 (35 lb)
Stacey 5 Rx
Joe W. 4 (15 lb, Sprawl)
JJ 5 (45 lb)
Smeth 5 (65 lb)
John 5 (35 lb)
Kirk 5 (35 lb)
Wes 6 Rx
On Ramp
Mike F. 4
Jess 5