WOD 10/9

Level Two
1600 M Run

5:00 AMRAP
10 Lateral Medball Hops
10 Russian Triangles
10 Lateral Hurdles Steps w/ MB

1600 M Run

3-5 Sets of Hip Mobility Circuit
Shin on Wall
Pancake Split
Pigeon Stretch
Arm Sweeps
*1:00 / exercise (:30/Side if unilateral)

Level One (TEST DAY)

A. Jerk

A1. Push Press x5x4
A2. Strict Chin-ups x5 or COB Hold x4 (1st 3 sets are attempts to get :30 Chin-Over-Bar Hold)
A3. DB Lunges x10 steps x4
B. 5:00 Partner AMBAP (As-Many-Burpees-As-Possible)

Quench your thirst, Whole 9 style
*Post thoughts to comments

“No matter our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.” – Dale Turner

AM – Level 1
Jacklyn+Erich H 85
Eric+Gabriel 66
Morgen+M-n-M+Eddie 94
AM – Level 2
Duran 19:20
Mikey 19:54
Guthrie 20:33
Janet 21:03
EJ 21:17
Janice 22:36
Leah 24:26
Can2 25:17
9AM 25:22
MegO 27:27
Ballet 18:30
Tow Matt 21:32
Caitlin 22:51
Michelle 22:51
Brad 17:18
Ray 21:28
Erica 23:25
E-Rod 26:37
AM – Ladies’
Eleanor 20:10 (MOD)
LV 21:58
Dayna 21:34
Taylor 21:45 (MOD)
12P – Level 1
Linzi+Smitty 90
Caroline+Brooke 73
David I+Jonathan 104
Heidi+Shannon K 55
Dixie+Snick+Avtar 84
PM – Level 2
Jables 22:44
Marissa 19:01
Melissa 22:03
Kiehler 19:03
Gil 23:32
Danimal 18:29
Turk 17:46
Kevin 19:59
Marky Marc 19:18
Jeanette 21:51
Melissa K 22:12
Evil 20:25
Lane 18:12
Schittone 21:07
Andy 19:03
JP 18:49
Shug 29:14
Sanchez 19:52
Kavi 19:39
Diana 20:55
Nicole 20:43
LaRosa 23:08
Paul 23:40
Money 23:25
Ryan 19:05