WOD 1/11

5 Rounds
7 Supine Ring Rows
20 Wall Balls (20 lb, 15 lb)

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

Spices and Healthy Snacks

Mean, Lean, and Clean Challenge update:
– We’re extending the days to get your rep max to the challenge through this week
– Make sure and get your $20 and Before pictures taken today or tomorrow
– Start logging your food today @ The Daily Burn

Come watch Blake and I compete in the Texas State Olympic Weightlifting Championship, 1 PM This Saturday

img_2576Saturday Morning Crew!

AM Results
Cat 8:18 (MOD)
Laura 10:12 (RR)
Ray 7:30 (10 lb)
Lyzz 8:02 (RR)
Andrew 11:27 Rx
Ariel 7:38 (RR)
PM Results
Tasha 7:03 (10 lb, RR)
Jables 7:14 (15 lb, RR)
Sherman 6:04 (MOD)
Kirk 8:46 Rx
Daniel 9:57 Rx
G. 7:53 (15 lb, RR)
Claire 6:34 (10 lb, RR)
OJOE 10:40 (20 8′)
Ryan 8:42 (15 lb, RR)
Aaron 10:30 (20 lb, 8′, RR)
Cynitha 6:43 (RR, 10 lb)
Betsy 9:30 (RR) +20lb
Ashley 8:39 (10 lb, RR)
Winner 7:46 (10 lb, RR)
Courtney DNF
Walker Rx
Jerry 10:00 (20 lb 8′)
Stacey 7:15 Rx +20 lb
Boone 7:04 Rx
Aubrey 6:41 (RR, 10 lb)
Marissa 6:47 (RR, 10 lb)
Tristy 6:19 (RR, 15 lb)
Heiny 6:57 (RR)
Darlene 9:06 (10 lb, RR)
On Ramp
Alethia 3
Kristine 2
Kurt 4
John 4
Sabrina 2
Akins Bootcamp
Christina 5
Lindsay 5
Bonnie 3
Kyle 4
Jamie 7
Melinda 6