WOD 11/1

Level Two
A. Hang Snatch x3x7 @ 70-75% of 10/22 Max EMOM for 7:00
B. Back Squat x10x3 @ 60-70% Rest 3:00-5:00
C. 3 Rounds
8 Strict Toes-to-Bar
8 Supermans
8 Kneeling Half Moons (R,L = 1)

Level One (TEST DAY)
Hip Snatch
OVHD Squat

A. Hip Power Snatch – work to a “heavy 2” in 10:00
B. Deadlift – Work to a “heavy 2” in 10:00
C. DB Step-ups – work to a “heavy 8″/leg in 10:00
D. :90 Front Plank Hold

Sleep like a baby
*Post thoughts to comments

“It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Anthony Robbins

AM – Level 1
Amanda S
Shanon S
Erich S
Morgen S
The King S
AM – Level 2
Ivan S
Styx S
Shug S
Big Spoon S
Valyn S
Schmidty S
MegO S
Jessie S
Mitch S
Ryan V S
Schittone S
Todd S
Michael S
Ken S
Michele S
George S
AM – Ladies’
Jenny S
Linzi S
Josie S
Mer S
12P – Level 1
Walker S
Cameron S
Avtar S
Jonathon S
Dixie S
Smitty S
Mark S
Jonathan S
PM – Level 2
Marky Marc S
Amy S
Blake S
Pam S
Holly S
Leidy S
Danimal S
Lane S
Wade S
Parnell S
C2 S
Missy S