WOD 11/20

Level Two
2 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP

500m Row
Burpee Lateral Jumps  (as many as possible)
Rest 3:00
*1:00 Double Unders during rest

2 Rounds of 3:00 AMRAP
300m Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Pull-Ups
Rest 3:00
*1:00 Double Unders during rest
*After run, do as many sets of 5 Wall Balls and Pull ups as possible

2 Rounds of Mobility Routine
Scorpions x10/ leg
Iron Crosses x10/ leg
All 4’s Hip Cricles x10/ leg
Partner Straddle Stretch x :20 sec

Level One (TEST DAY)
Push Press

A1. Push Press x3x4
A2. Strict Chin-ups x5 @30X2 or COB Hold x4 *First 3 sets are attempts to get :30 Chin-Over-Bar Hold
B1. Back Squat x3 x 4
B2. Kneeling Founder x :15/:15 x 5 Rest 1:00
C. 50 Burpees For Time (Partner)
*1 person works at a time, 50 = Team Total

Start with why: How great leaders inspire action
*Post thoughts to comments 

“If you can clearly articulate the dream or the goal, start.” – Simon Sinek

AM – Level 1
Andre 1:25 (25)
Jimmy 3:20
Carlo 3:20
Jesse 3:02
Morgen 2:24
Jillian 2:24
April 3:02
AM – Level 2 Burpees Rds
Mikey 27 6 Rx
Mitch 16 3 Rx
Can2 19 4 Rx
Big Spoon 36 6 Rx
JV 11 3 (10lb)
Alex 2 4 (6lb, J)
Eileen 10 2 (6lb, J)
Jackie 11 4 (10lb, J)
Kyle 32 6 Rx
Janice 12 2 Rx
Schittone 22 3 Rx
Tow Matt 24 5 Rx
King 12 4 Rx
Ballet 26 6 (Assisted)
Ryan 22 8 Rx
Erich 20 8 (20lb, J)
Robert 12 5 (14lb, J)
AM – Ladies’
Josie 10 2 (10lb, J)
Jo 15 4 (10lb, J)
Mer 10 2 (10lb, J)
Jenny 20 3 (10lb, B)
G 10 3 (10lb, J)
12P – Level 1
Kayleen 3:05
Liz T 3:34
Abby 3:34
Smitty 3:05
Dixie 3:15
Jonathon 4:15
PM – Level 2
Lane 25 6
Blake 31 5
Henry 8 4
Marky Marc 15 6
Bryan 18 5
Erica 12 4
Erin 17 4
Gil 17 5
Dayna 24 6
Gwar 13 4
Pam 12 4
Shug 11 4
Cowboy 19 5
Chrissy 12 5
Kaz 23 4
Heather 12 4
Kline 20 4
Ryan 21 5
Debbie 7
Melissa 9 5
Evil 9 3
Leah 16 3
LG 11 2
Sanchez 22 5
Andy 23 5
Sean 34 5