WOD 11/22

Buy In/Cash Out
Shin against the wall stretch 1:00 per leg
Hamstring with the band 1:00 per leg
Deep squat hold 2:00 total

Rowing Skill Practice
7 Rounds
5 Slow Perfect Strokes
100M @ 85% effort
*Post notes to comments

Double Under Practice
7 Rounds
15 Unbroken Singles
Max Unbroken Double Unders
*Post notes to comments

7 Rounds
:30 Hollow Rocks
200M Run
*Time Recorded

You can never plan the future by the past. -Edmund Burke

Deliberate Practice

Thanksgiving week schedule
Monday & Tuesday- Normal Schedule
Wednesday- Normal Morning Class, Noon, and 5:30 PM
Thundercloud Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day!
Friday: 10 AM Workout only
Saturday: Normal 10 AM Team workout

CFA Anniversary/Christmas Bonanza December 16th, 7 PM!!! RSVP now so we can get a good head count for BBQ!

AM Results  
Kirk 9:03 Rx
Mike 9:27 (HH)
Andrew 10:21 (HH)
Tow Matt 9:38 Rx
Tannifer 10:13 (HH)
Chaz 9:07 Rx
Jables 9:16 Rx
Anthony 10:01 (HH)
Julie 12:19 (HH)
Joel 10:26 (HH)
Ray 10:24 Rx
Bill 13:09 (HH)
 PM Results  
Cody 9:01 Rx
Patrick 9:30 Rx
Blake 9:37 Rx
“G” 10:14 Rx
Jordan 9:42 Rx
Aaron 10:20 Rx
Schittone 10:02 Rx
J.C. 9:54 Rx
Jerry 9:03 Rx
Tristy 9:44 Rx
Winner 9:23 Rx
Wes 9:20 Rx
Chris 9:59 Rx
L.G. 9:46 Rx
Lyzz 9:40 Rx
Skipper 9:11 Rx
Jenn 9:30 (HH)
Debbie 10:30 MOD
Melly 11:22 (HH)
Heinie 11:05 (HH)
Cara 10:31 (HH)
Alex 9:11 Rx
Zoom 9:44 (HH)
Kavi 10:17 (HH)
C.C. 9:12 (HH)