WOD 11/23
Level Two
A1. DB Press x5x3 Rest :45
A2. Snatch RDL x5x3 rest :45
A3. Strict Knees to Elbows x10x3 Rest :45
4 min of AMRAP (Record Meters & Reps):
400m Rowing
5 Handstand Push-up
Rest 2:00
*Complete 5 DB Push Presses every 30 seconds during rest with skill session DB’s
4 min AMRAP (Record Meters & Reps):
200m Run
10 Toes to Bar
Rest 2:00
*Complete 3 DB Power Snatches /arm every 30 seconds during rest with skill session DB’s
4 min of AMRAP (Record Meters & Reps):
50 Cal Airdyne
15 Deadlift @ 165 lb, 115 lb
Rest 2:00
*1:00 minute active recovery w/ Jump Rope, and 1:00 minute of full recovery
Level One (Day 2)
Strict Chin-Up
6 Rounds:
100 M Run
5 Step-ups/side
10 Tic Tacs/Side
*Time Recorded
But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine. -Thomas Jefferson
6:3, Greens, and Shin Splints
*Post thoughts to comments
– We will be closing at noon today (it’s almost Turkey Day!). Have a safe holiday!
– – The 9:00am Women’s Class on Thanksgiving Day will actually be an All-Levels Co-Ed class. So, just for that day, men can come, too
– – – The Tour de Turkey Challenge starts next week (11/28)! Have you signed up?! Learn more here.
– – – – Thanks to everyone that donated to our Holiday Food Drive and spread the love around!
Mike Kelly and Friends at the San Antonio RnR Marathon
Level 1 – AM | |
Marissa | 6:55 (6#) |
Lamar | 7:38 (15#) |
Tiffany | 7:20 (10#) |
Lola | 8:15 (6#) |
LaRosa | 8:21 (6#) |
Level II | |
Jewels | 5 |
Mikey | 6.5 |
Albert | 5 |
Bubbles | 5 |
Mego | 5 |
Michele | 5.5 |
V | 5 |
Rob | 5 |
Teeny | 5.5 |
Jackie | 5.5 |
Schittone | 5 |
Ray | 5.5 |
Patrick | 6 |
Michael | 6.5 |
Leah | 5.5 |
Chris | 5 |
Thurst | 5.5 |
Eric | 6.5 |
Dayna | 6.5 |
Jenna | 5.5 |
KT | 4.5 |
Wood | 6.5 |
Josie | 5 |
Sanchez | 5.5 |
Martin | 5.5 |
Gilbert | 7.5 |
Shane | 8.5 |
LG | 5 |
Lana | 5.5 |
Veronica | 5 |
G | 5.5 |
Mac-a-roni | 7 |