WOD 11/24

Join Boone at the 21st Annual Turkey Trot 5K!


All Levels

A1. Goblet Squats x10x3 Rest :90
A2. Powell Raises x12-15×3 Rest :90


5 Rounds
:30 Walking Lunges
:30 Rest
:30 Burpees
:30 Rest
:30 Tic Tacs
:30 Rest

To give thanks in solitude is enough. Thanksgiving has wings and goes where it must go.  -Victor Hugo

Happy Thanksgiving from our CrossFit Austin family to yours! We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday!
– – The Tour de Turkey Challenge starts next week (11/28)! Have you signed up?! Learn more here.

AM Results 
 Lana 287
 Anita 288
 Meredith 270
 Chapel 258
 Cody 350
 G  293
 Ty 309
 Danny S