WOD 11/25
Performance – Week 2 of 2 Base Stabilization Phase
A. Clean & Jerk x2+1×5 by feel (appx. 80-85%)
*Clean weight recorded
On a continuous clock
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps @ 24”,20”
10 Dumbbell Snatch @ 45 lb, 25 lbs (Total)
@ 6:00
5 Rounds
5 Ring Rows
20 Double Unders
@ 9:00
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps @ 24”,20”
10 Dumbbell Snatch @ 45 lb, 25 lbs (Total)
3 Rounds
:60 Hollow Hold
:60 Hamstring Stretch
Jumping Progression
A1. Back Squat x3x5
A2. Box Jumps x5x5
Tire Sled Sprints x50mx6 w/ 90 sec
*Just tire
“It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” – Paul “Bear” Bryant
Foundations – AM | |
Humberto | |
Emily | |
Rachael | |
Ivy | |
Brandon | |
Vince | |
Jenna | |
Performance – AM | |
Vy | 80 |
Adrian | 85 |
Melanie | 75 |
Matt | 160 |
Emily | 50 |
Jim | 125 |
John | 145 |
Humberto | 75 |
Lee | 145 |
Mitch | 145 |
Ivan | 185 |
Tom | 225 |
Sarah | 55 |
Red | 55 |
Janet | 85 |
Ed | 105 |
Gwar | 125 |
Mick | 120 |
Jose | 105 |
Gilbert | 105 |
Robert | 135 |
Roland | 105 |
Jillian | 100 |
Ray | 185 |
2 Chain | 145 |
Chance | 90 |
Billy | 125 |
Michele | 85 |
Performance – Noon | |
Melissa | |
Gerald | |
Jessica | |
Leah | |
Joshua | |
Foundations – PM | |
Steven | |
Kalie | |
Courtney | |
Julianne | |
Daniela | |
Brad | |
Gage | |
Matthew | |
Jessica | |
Performance – PM | |
Julia | 65 |
ERod | 135 |
Gil | 120 |
Jerry | 115 |
Phil | 115 |
Taylor | 105 |
Ian | 175 |
Carolyn | 50 |
Pam | 75 |
Morgan | 85 |
Allyson | 90 |
Ryan | 135 |
Brian | 115 |
Darin | 115 |
Amy | 55 |
Denise | 55 |
Paul | 145 |
Courtney | 150 |
Velvet | 85 |
Missy | 85 |
Nicole | 95 |
Max | 135 |
Rahul | 145 |