WOD 11/26

Buy In/Cash Out
Shin against the wall stretch 1:00 per leg
Hamstring with the band stretch 1:00 per leg
Deep squat for 2:00

3 Sets
10 Air Squats @ 3210
:30 Rest
10 Push-ups @2010
:30 Rest
1:00 Side Plank Hold/Side
:30 Rest


7 Rounds
3 Handstand Push-ups
10 Sit-ups (use abmat if available)
5 Push-ups
10 Walking lunges (total)

Thanksgiving week schedule
Friday: 10 AM Workout only
Saturday: Normal 10 AM Team workout

CFA Anniversary/Christmas Bonanza December 16th, 7 PM!!! RSVP now so we can get a good head count for BBQ!

AM Results
Sleeves 8:41 Rx
Christy 9:39 (P)
Liz 11:36 (P, K)
Carissa 9:38 (P)
Jerry 6:55 Rx
Colleen 9:46 (P, K)
Damon 9:04 (P)