WOD 1/13

A. 5:00 EM0M
1 Hip Muscle Clean  + 1 Hang Muscle Clean + 1 Muscle Clean + 1 Front Squat  x4


8:00 E:90 0:90  
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat x5


10:00 E202
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean x5
B. 6:00 E202
Clean Pull x3x3 @ 90-100% w/ :05 descent

C. 10:00 E202
Back Rack Walking BB Lunges x5/leg x5 by feel

Ladies! Spend your Friday night with us! Come out for a women’s only WOD followed by a happy hour at the gym!
Bring a bottle & a small bite to share!
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