WOD 1/14

Buy In/Cash Out
3 x 10 Pike Push-ups 
3x 20 accumulated seconds of:  Chin-up Holds (CTB, False grip CTB, or Ring False Grips)

3 sets
Row :30 @ 50%
Row :30 @ 80%
Jump rope Practice 1:00
Right Side plank :30
Left side Plank :30


5 Rounds
:10 Burpees  :50 Rest
:20 Air Squats  :40 Rest
:10 Kipping Pull-ups AFAP  :50 Rest
:20 Abmat Sit-ups  :40 Rest

Fortune and love favor the brave. -Ovid

Paleo Email
*Post thoughts to comments

-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page has been updated!  Take a look here
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

AM Results
Jerry 228 Rx
Tow Matt 202 Rx
Melicious 220 (Band)
Tall D 183 (Jump)
C.C. 120 (4 rnds, Jump)
Ray 251 Rx
Bill 185 (Band)
JC 234 Rx
Brian 208 Rx
Chappy 188 Rx
Liz 165 Rx
Chris 201 Rx
Page 225 Rx