WOD 1/14

Level Two
In 10 minutes Work to a challenging single in the Hang Clean (No Power Cleans)
*Best weight recorded

9 Rounds
2 Hang Cleans @ 75% of today
1 DB Snatch / Arm
Every Minute On the Minute

2K Row Time Trial

Glute Grip Circuit
5 Rounds
:30 Supine Elbow Stands
:30 Farmers Walk

Level One
Hip Snatch Review
Hip Clean
*Teach during workout

A. Hip Power Clean x2x10 (15:00)
*Take Folks to the Hang and full squat if experienced/able


10:00 AMRAP
Ladder 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
KB Swing
100m Run  

All About Minerals
*Post thoughts to comments

“Forever is composed of nows.” – Emily Dickinson

AM – Level 1
Joe 7
Dee 6
Carlos 7
Christian 8
Silas 5
Dustin 8
Paula 6
Ebelia 6
Caro 6
Cat S 6
Sarah 6
Ashlee 5
Devin 8
Abby 5
Ed 6
Ken 8
AM – Level 2 Hang Clean
Big Spoon 200
Guthrie 205
Ken 155
Mitch 135
Jessie 70
Jackie 70
Leah 100
Kristi 85
Sparker 95
Michael 200
Kyle 210
Bradley 185
Schittone 160
Jillian 70
Ryan V 175
Michele 85
Ray 205
12P – Level 2
Stephen 165
Snick 125
Mer 97
Jonathan 165
49er 145
PM – Level 2
Anthony 175
LaRosa 65
Blake 240
Melissa 45
ABC 77
Dayna 120
Laila 65
Josie 65
Fro 190
Mrs Fro 65
9AM 135
Dan 165
G 65
Andre 215
Gabriel 125
Penn 135
Ryan 185
Marky Marc 175
KT 102
David 145
Gwar 185
Can 2 205
Zac 175
Jordan 135
Shug 102
Robert 115
Mego 102
Greg 215
Jason 117
Sean 200
Aaron 235
Missy 85
Desiree 100
EJ 155
James 117
Sanchez 200
Adrian 175
PM – Level 1
Dixie 6
Sophia 7
Dunn 8
Jonathan 7
Sam 7
RUffino 7
Gregg 8
Andy P 7
Savage 6
Pinky 7
Jimmy 7
Carlo 8
Garrett 7
J-Mo 7