WOD 1/15

Performance: Week 1 of 2 Strength and Power Focus

**A, and B will be done on a running clock with no break inbetween**

Row 2K for Time
*Record 2K Time

then immediately begin…

2 Rounds
30 Wall Balls @ 20 lb, 14 lb
300 M Run
30 Power Snatch @ 75 lb, 55 lb
300 M Run
30 Double Under
300 M Run
30 Push-ups
300 M Run
*Total time recorded

*Recorded total Time



A. In 10 min Work up to a Technical 2RM

B. Press x3x4

3 Rounds
400m Run
8 Push ups
100m Side Shuffles (50m/50m)
8/ea leg  OH Plate Lunges

“All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.” – James Allen

Foundations – AM
Nicole 11:52
Sophia 15:06
Lashea 12:32
Rachel 17:32
Performance – AM row total
Ivan 7:47 36:00 rx
Ruhlin 8:30 36:00
Sarah 9:40 36:00
Humberto 8:15 36:08
Sean 8:05 36:00
Lee 7:58 36:00 rx
Sissy 11:45 36:00
Brian 8:28 36:00
Braden 36:00
Mel 9:16
Adrian 36:00
Beverly 36:00
Tom 7:25 44:59 rx
Dayna 8:43 40:03 rx
Jillian 9:04 41:51
Claudia 10:49 44:49 rx
Silas 9:31 43:03
Tow Matt 7:55 39:42 rx
Josh 8:04 33:39 rx
Jose 8:11 42:25
Erica 9:47 42:41
2 Chainz 7:32 32:49 rx
Vince 8:20 40:16
Mercy 11:12 53:09
Ladies Class
Mer 9:45 45:29
Foundations – Noon
Foundations – PM
Pinky 11:08
Chase 10:22
Mark 10:32
John 10:31
Christian 11:48
Matt 11:58
Daniela 14:15
Nicole 10:38
Kristine 11:05
Performance – PM
Gil 8:52 36:27
Jared 7:56 36:58
RC 8:55 30:33
Tanner 8:35 38:33
Gerald 9:26 40:45
Dustin 10:05 37:56
Ian 6:59 35:48
Key 7:18 31:55 rx
Chad 7:15 35:06
Andy 8:38 42:31
Julie 9:08 41:13
KJ 9:20 43:11
Missy 9:28 44:35
Janet 8:12 44:50
Madison 9:36 41:46
Brad 8:50 45:15
Morgan 9:08 42:38
John 8:31 37:10
Jessica 9:14 41:19
Jeanette 9:41 39:58
Melissa 10:01 37:30
Allyson 8:49 37:38
Max 9:45 46:40
Velvet 10:00 40:10
Carrie 10:40 58:21
Carolyn 11:43 53:34
Nicole 10:14 39:40