WOD 11/5

Buy In/Cash Out
1:00 Hamstring Stretch w/ band or partner/leg
10 Pistols/leg

15 Minutes of Snatch Skill Work
*Post notes to comments

5 Rounds
:30 Wall Balls/:30 Rest
:30 Kipping Pull-ups/:30 Rest
:30 Double Unders/:30 Rest
*Post notes to comments


5 Rounds
:30 Push Press/:30 Rest
:30 Jump Switch Lunges/:30 Rest
200 M Run

Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest. -Mark Twain

Ditch the Scale

-New Weightlifting Classes started this week spots open @
3 PM, 6:30 PM, and 7:30 PM
-CFA will be hosting the Big Dawg Challenge Nov. 13th!  Find out more information here
-Post Big Dawgs Challenge, join us for the first Pilgrims and Indians Thanksgiving Pub Run November 13th!

Thundercloud Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day!

AM Results  
Blake 28:19 (95lbs)
Eddie 28:22 (35lbs)
Page 28:23 (45lbs)
Melicious 29:01 (35lbs)
CC 28:46 (35lbs)
Taylor 28:56 (45lbs)
Anthony 29:57 (55lbs)
Steve 29:41 (45lbs)
JJ 14:44 (75 lb)
Walker 13:58 (55 lb)
Jables 13:58 (75 lb)
Sean 12:04 (75 lb)
Heather 13:21 (35 lb)
Schittone 12:44 (65 lb)