WOD 1/16

Level Two
A1. Kip Pull-ups x15-20 x 3 Rest :30
A2. Box Jumps x15-20 x 3 Rest :30
A3. Push-ups x15-20 x 3 Rest :90

5 Rounds
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Push Press (75 lbs, 55 lbs)
1:00 Step-ups (20”, 16”)
Rest 2:00
*Total Reps Recorded

Mobility/Glute Circuit
3 Rounds
:30 Shin on Wall Stretch
20 Single Leg Hip Ext. / Leg

Level One (TEST DAY)
Push Press

A.. Push Press x3x5
B. Back Squat x4x3
C. RDL x10x2
D. 1 Mile Run or 1K Row
*15:00 Cap
*Record Rowers’ 500 M Split for test sheet

CrossFit Myth-buster #1 and 7 ways to reduce the chance of injury
*Post thoughts to comments

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Stephen King

AM – Level 1
Joe 6:46
Justin 7:12
Dee 8:35
Carlos 9:14
Silas 8:33
Ebelia 9:08
Morgan 14:20
Paula 10:43
Ed 8:40
Ashley 8:09
Ken 5:29
Sam 8:20
Sarah 9:29
Kayleen 8:12
Nick 8:38
AM – Level 2
JV 201
Rumlin 142
Kristi 233
Schmidty 244
9am 256
Guthrie 234
Alex 161
Sparker 264
Joe Dan 265
Ballet 256
Tow Matt 323
Anthony 220
Bradley 347
Kyle 315
Ryan 281
Jillian 292
 49er 251
Linzi 219
Heather 162
Walker 265
Snick 215
Jonathan 286
 EJ 261
Josie 232
Stephen 248
Anne 257
James 288
Pam 232
Bryan 229
Jamey 287
Crash 277
Shug 232 RX
Mego 218 RX
Schittone 292 RX
Gil 258 RX
Marky Marc 244
Robert 250
Melissa K 340
Nicole 249 RX
Debbie 186 RX
Greg 275
M-N-M 247
Adrian 261
Clint 271 RX
Sean 293 RX
PM – Level 1
Melody  4:50 1K
Steve 12:06
Pinky 9:26
Savage 9:00
Amanda 2:19 (500m Row)
Dallas 7:00
Michael 8:20
Erin 10:03
Jimmy 4:18 1K
Carlo 3:58 1K
Big Easy 3:54 1K
Jake 3:43 1K
Garrett 4:15 1K