WOD 1/18

Buy In/Cash Out
3 sets of Max Hollow Holds followed by :30 of Handstand Hold

Make-up Day
CFA Olympics
Dead on yo head

Squat Program
Back Squat 6×2 @ 80% 20×0
RDL’s 3×6 @4111
Behind the Neck Press 3×5 @20×0

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it. – Bill Cosby

Emotional Tracking
*Do you track the emotions your foods elicit?

-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page is regularly being updated!  Take a look
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

Parker Johnson gettin’ after the prowler sled…it must run in the family!

AM Results
Chaz Sat 21″, 4 Rx
Jerry Squat Squat
Kirk Squat Squat
Tow Matt Squat Squat
Rob Sat 22″, 24 Rx
Melicious CFT 185lb DL/140lb Squat/85lb Press
Allie Mon :31, 37 (Jump)
PM Results
Cat Mon :34, 18 Rx
G. Sat. 34, 6:43 (123), 16″
Liz Thrusters 58 lbs
Patrick Sat. 11, 11:55 (185), 23″
Sherman Sat. 15, 12:31 (185), 19″
Betsy Fri. 256 Rx
Blake Squats Yes
Carissa Squats Yes
Winner Squats Yes
Sleeves Squats Yes
Christy Squats Yes
Stacey Squats Yes
Kristin Mon. :28, 11
Skipper Mon :22, 49
Debbie Mon. :47, 0
Fro Sat. 4, 17:00 (225#) 24″
Dave Sat. 60, 17:24 (?), 28″
Ivan Mon. :23, 42
Jenn Sat. 40, 17:17 ( 133#) 14″
Alex Squats Yes