WOD 11/9

Back Squat


3 Rounds
15 DB Thrusters (55 lb, 35 lb)
15 Swings (24K, 16K)

I’m a firm believer in the theory that people only do their best at things they truly enjoy. It is difficult to excel at something you don’t enjoy. -Jack Nicklaus

-The brand new Akins CrossFit Boot Camp starts TODAY! @ 4:45 PM Click HERE for more info or to sign up!
– New On-Ramp Starts tonight @ 7:30 PM Sign up HERE


AM Results
3R MetCon
Mike 215 7:57 (35 lb)
Kirk 120 6:29 (20 lb)
Lyzz 140 4:24 (20 lb)
Blake 275 9:07 (50 lb)
Kim 70 4:52 (15 lb, 12K)
Laura 115 4:48 (20 lb, 12K)
PM Results
Aaron 185 5:18 (20 lb, 16K)
G. 100 5:34 (15 lb, 35 lb)
Claire 95 5:26 (10 lb, 16K)
Winner 85 5:27 (12 lb, 12K)
Courtney 85 5:02 (10 lb, 20 lb)
Walker 110 5:38 (20 lb)
Stacey 165 6:03 Rx
Betsy 135 4:37 (20 lb)
Tristy 165 3:44 (20 lb)
OJOE 220 6:45 (35 lb, 35 lb)
Ally 115 5:23 (20 lb, 12K)
Kiehler 195 5:12 (20 lb, 16K)
JJ 145 5:12 (35 lb)
Sherman 245 6:21 (35 lb)
Boone 235 7:03 Rx
John 165 5:18 (20 lb, 20 lb)
Aurelia 70 4:59 (12 lb, 12K)
Zach 150 8:03 (20 lb, 16K)
Outdoor CrossFit
Chris 5:24
Jamie 5:43
Linda 6:03
Tori 6:04
Melinda 6:49
Amanda 9:22