WOD 1/21
Buy In/Cash Out
3 sets of Max Hollow Holds followed by :30 of Handstand Hold
Jerk Work
5 Sets
3 Behind the Neck Power Jerks + 2 Behind the Neck Split Jerks
:30 Rest
7 Heavy Russian KB Swings
:30 Rest
15 Supermans/Back Extensions
2:00 Rest
*Post notes to comments
5 Rounds
200 M Sprint
10 DB or KB Snatches/Arm (55lbs, 35lbs)
5 Burpees
3 Handstand Push-ups
1:00 Rest
*Time recorded
Each day provides its own gifts. -Marcus Aurelius
More questions about statins
*Post thoughts to comments
-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page is regularly being updated! Take a look here
–Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!
AM Results | |
Nick | 18:55 Rx |
Jerry | 16:16 (35) |
Kirk | 16:24 (35, Pike) |
Tow Matt | 15:22 (35, Pike) |
Melicious | 16:21 (20, Pike) |
Teeny | 18:30 (15, Pike) |
Ray | 17:51 (30) |
Bill | 17:49 (15, Pike) |
Liz | 19:23 (Pike) |
Cat | 15:59 (20, Pike) |
Gena | 16:53 (20, Pike) |
Ally | 16:49 (12, Pike) |
Noon | |
Rob | 15:29 Rx |
Sleeves | 16:26 (20) |
Sherman | 17:54 (20, ROM) |
Blake | 19:40 Rx |
Jables | 15:00 (20, Pike) |
Colleen | 15:04 (15, Pike) |
Tasha | 15:41 (20, Pike) |
Senator | 20:15 (15, Pike) |
Heather | 15:04 (15, Pike) |
Chris | 20.42 (35) |
J.C | 15:41 (35, Pike) |