WOD 12/1
All Levels
Partner “Filthy 100”
100 Box Jumps (24”, 20”)
100 Pull ups
100 KB Swings
100 Walking Lunges
100 Toes to Bar
100 DB Push Press (45 lb, 25 lb)
100 DB Front Squats
100 Double-Unders
AM – All | |
Kyle + The King | 33:38 |
AG + Lane | 34:28 |
Robert + Chris | 30:18 |
Dayna + Stacey | 25:17 |
D-Price + Leah | 27:40 |
Liz + Jackie | 28:55 |
Janice + Erica | 27:00 |
Sean + Danimal | 32:03 |
Big Spoon + Parnell | 32:14 |
Debbie + Smitty | 39:30 |
LG + KT + Kayleen | 41:14 |
Brock + Kendall | 37:30 |
AM – Level 1 (Dec. Special) | |
Christian | 4:12 |
Justin | 4;12 |
Dallas | 4:12 |
Michelle | 4:43 |
Mustansir | 6:01 |
Arwa | 4:54 |
Kristi | 5:02 |
Melody | 6:10 |
Jacinda | 6:23 |
Daryll | 6:34 |
Stefani | 6:35 |
Steve | 6:44 |
April | 6:47 |
Karla | 5:02 |
Lee | 7:00 |
Melissa | 7:00 |