WOD 12/15

Overhead Squats


7 Rounds
3 Thrusters
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Pick weight for thrusters and divide thruster weight by number of minutes to completion for total score.

Sugar Addiction

– We have slightly changed our AM schedule We will now have 3 classes 6:30 to 7:30, 7:30 to 8:30, and 8:30 to 9:30.


AM Results 3RM MetCon
Kirk 75 13
Rob 125 23
Andrew 115 23
Shauna 80 11
Laura 55 10
Jerry 120 16
PM Results
Michael 120 13
Jables 60 10
Walker 90 12
Big Matt 110 16
OJoe Skill 16
Courtney 60 7
Winner 50 7
Blake 135 23
Jess Skill 11
Stacey 125 17
Betsy 75 15
Zach 95 13
Smeth 125 20
Aubrey 55 9