WOD 12/28

Buy In/Cash Out
Muscle-ups/Muscle-up Transitions 3×5
or assisted Chin-ups work to a total of 12

3 Sets
2+3 Power Snatch+Snatch Pull-under
Rest :30
10-12 Chin-ups/Ring Row/Assisted Chin-ups  (no tempo)
Rest 2:00
*Post weights, and notes to comments


20 Minutes AMRAP
400 M Run
20 Russian Swing (24K, 16K)
20 Push-ups
*Rounds+Reps recorded

Live out of your imagination, not your history. -Stephen Covey

Mastering Soreness

CrossFit Austin Holiday Schedule:

Friday (12/31) Normal Hours
Saturday (1/1) 10:00am

Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd! Grab a registration form at the gym for a 10% discount!

Christmas Morning Crew

AM Results
Chaz 4 Rx
Gena 5 Rx
Tow Matt 5 Rx
Liz 4 (Knee)
Banton 4 Rx
JC 4+15 Rx
PM Results
Betsy 5 Rx
Stacey 5+400M, 20 Swings, 3PU (20K)
Cat 5 Rx
David 4 (KPU)
Patrick 5 Rx
Blake 5 Rx + 400M
Chris 4 Rx
Heather 3 (KPU) + 20 Swings
Sleeves 6 Rx
Christy 5 (KPU)
Melly 3 + 20 Swings (12K)
Jerry 5 Rx
Kavi 4 +400M (16K)
Jenn DNF
Debbie 3 (12K, KPU)