WOD 12/3

5 x Max Muscle-ups


2 Rounds
Wall Ball 1:00 (20 lb, 15 lb)
Rest 2:00
KB Swing 1:00 (24K, 16K)
Rest 2:00
Burpees 1:00
Rest 2:00

Facing it – always facing it – that’s the way to get through. Face it! -Joseph Conrad

Deadly Holiday Drinks

-This Saturday we are going to be doing the “LumberJack 20″ a tribute WOD and fundraiser for the victims of the Fort Hood Tragedy.  If you would like to donate you can do so at my donation page HERE or create your own.


AM Results
Top Rounds
Lyzz 34, 33, 17 Rx
Tow Matt 20, 26, 18 (15 lb, 16K)
Jerry 30, 31, 24 (15 lb, 16K)
Kristin 48, 266, 33 (MOD)
Rob 30, 31, 20 Rx
PM Results
Kiehler 27, 33, 21
Tristy 39, 38, 20
G. 33, 30, 19
Claire 36, 32, 21
Walker 33, 34, 21
Blake 32, 34, 21
JJ 25, 34, 15
Winner 26, 28, 18
Flury 26, 29, 16
Jables 32, 31, 16
Pato 38, 35, 25
John 28, 28, 17
Zach 30, 31, 18
Aurelia 30, 29, 14
Smeth 30, 32, 17
Darlene 24, 27, 27
Kevin 31, 32, 20
On Ramp
Marisa and Michelle 12:04