WOD 12/4
Level Two
Partner WOD
4 Rounds
500M Row (Partner A)
while Partner B does AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Swings
20 Double Unders
*Partners Switch, 1 Round = Both athletes complete all movements
*Record overall time & combined rounds completed
Level One
Jump Progressions
A1. Back Squats x5x4 (Work up in Weight) Rest :10
A2. Supermans x5x4 Rest 2:00
1:00 AMRAP (6 Rounds)
6 Step-ups (20”,16”)
6 Touch-Jump-Touch Intervals
Rest 1:00
*Record Total Reps
*Jump Rope Practice (Singles) during rest time
Principles of power
*Post thoughts to comments
“Dwell in possibility…” – Emily Dickinson

Congratulations to Shane, Laila, Linzi, and Aaron on their 2nd-Place Finish in this past weekend's CrossFit Scavenger Hunt!
AM – Level 1 | ||
Jillian | 98 | |
Amanda | 90 | |
Eric | 110 | |
April | 66 | |
AM – Level 2 | ||
Big Spoon + Aaron | 17:54 | 15 Rx |
Rocky + Guthrie | 20:22 | 9 Rx |
Mikey + Can2 | 20:57 | 15 |
MegO + Shug | 21:17 | 16 |
KJ + Janet | 22:56 | 13 |
Valyn + JV | 23:11 | 11 |
Eileen + Jackie | 23:50 | 21 |
Brad + Tow Matt | 19:34 | 12 |
Ryan + Kyle | 19:08 | 14 Rx |
Michele | 19:21 | 4 |
Kavi + Jonathan | 20:27 | 11 |
King + Erich | 21:05 | 9 |
Michael + Ballet | 20:00 | 14 |
Todd + Ray | 19:08 | 7 |
AM – Ladies’ | ||
Linzi + Jenny | 21:25 | 17 |
Josie + Irl + Emily | 25:38 | 15 |
Mer + Taylor | 21:54 | 14 |
Stefani + Allison | 26:36 | 13 |
12P – Level 1 | ||
Snick | 84 | |
Anne | 72 | |
Jake | 105 | |
Ken N | 141 | |
Melody | 72 | |
Lee | 144 | |
PM – Level 2 | ||
Gil + Blake + Kiehler | 19:48 | 14 Rx |
G + Tara + Smitty | 23:05 | 16 |
Marissa + Dayna | 19:46 | 18 Rx |
Marky Marc + Gwar | 21:45 | 11 Rx |
Fro + Gary | 22:02 | 16 |
LG + Tasha | 22:22 | 11 |
Melissa K + Mrs. Fro + Darlene | 24:05 | 16 |
David S + E-Rod | 24:09 | 14 |
Kaz + Gary + Sanchez | 18:18 | 13 |
Schittone + AG | 19:32 | 13 Rx |
Kline + Jeanette | 22:20 | 14 |
Wade + Phillip | 21:)2 | 14 |
Missy + C2 | 22:41 | 13 |
Leah + Debbie | 25:10 | 20 |
Chrissy + Evil | 21:46 | 16 |