WOD 1/26

Make sure to sign up for your classes in MindBody Online

5 x75%
3 x85%
1+ x90%


3 Rounds
800 M Run
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95 lb, 75 lb)

The fullness of life is in the hazards of life. -Edith Hamilton

Carbs and Triglycerides

– We are putting down a new floor in the gym Saturday post WOD.  If anyone would like to help, we will  provide plenty of food and beverages for the afternoon.
Bring your old shoes to the gym, by Friday!


AM Results
Michelle F. 18:45 (35 lb, KPU)
Kirk 18:39 (65 lb)
Mike 18:47 (75 lb)
Michelle B. 17:01 (MOD)
Jerry 22:31 (65 lb)
Amber 23:15 (35 lb, EPU)
Bill 21:08 (MOD)
Tow Matt 20:37 (65 lb)
Stephen 22:15 (MOD)
Andrew 22:02 (75 lb)