WOD 1/28


A1. Seated DB Press x10x5 Rest :30
A2. Front Rack Reverse Lunge x5/leg x5 Rest :60

B.5 Rounds
5 Toes to Bar
10 Power Snatches @ 75 lb, 45 lb
10 Wall Balls @ 20 lb, 14 lb
*Time recorded

Back Squats

A. Back Squats x5x5

6 Rounds (High Intensity)
8 KB Goblet Squats
8 Box Jumps
100m run
Rest 1 min

“The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” –Marilyn Ferguson


Foundations – AM
Performance – AM
Courtney 10:53
Tineke 10:09
Sarah 10:56
Adrian 10:57
Lee 10:17
Janet 9:22
John 9:34
Nicole 12:42
Mr.T 10:46
Jose 10:47
Jenny 10:38
Jillian 8:16
Claudia 7:46
Robert 9:45
LaShea 7:53
Dayna 6:58 rx
Ray 8:07
Foundations – Noon
Chris 11:58
Kristine 11:49
Chase 10:20
Humberto 10:12
Performance – PM
Brian H 9:06
Amy 8:47
Jennifer 8:25
Taylor 9:55
Mayela 9:54
Brooks 7:27
Gil 8:03
Brian 9:36
Andy 9:44
Erica 8:51
Julia 8:58
Pat 10:46
Ryan 10:31
Matt 10:30
JP 8:50
Jessica 8:15
Cody 12:02
David 12:20
KJ 10:43
Ruhlin 9:36
JRod 10:25 rx
Morgan 9:24
Evil 8:50
Ally 8:25
Velvet 7:59
Page 7:18 rx
Nicole 9:21 rx
Brad 10:00
Leah 10:14 rx