WOD 12/8

Buy in/Cash Out
Narrow grip over head squat 2×10 @ 32X2

Aerobic Skill Work 3 Sets of each:

Rowing or Airdyne
Row 1:00 @ 50% Effort
Row 1:00 @ 80% Effort

Jump Rope
Light and perfect singles for 1:00
Double Unders for 1:00

5 Passes through hurdle course
Rest :30
*Post notes to comments


20 Minutes AMRAP
20 DB Push Press (35 lb, 20 lbs)
20 Flutter Kicks
800 M Run
*Rounds recorded

I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result. -Michael Jordan

Oly Lifting for the speed and power athlete

-CFA Anniversary/Christmas Bonanza December 16th, 7 PM!!! RSVP now so we can get a good head count for BBQ!  If you have signed up or are signing up for the party and are planning to bring a guest that is not signed up, please email tristystep@gmail.com and let us know!  We will need to have an accurate count by December 10th, so please email before that date.

AM Results
Turk 4 (30lbs)
Mike 3 Rx
Tannifer 3 (10lbs)
Andrew 3 (20lbs)
Nick 4 Rx
Rob 4 Rx
C.C. 3 (15lbs)
Tow Matt 3 Rx
Stephanie 4 (15lbs)
Ray 4 (20lbs)
Bill 2 (15lbs)
Stephen 3 (30lbs, Row)
PM Results
David 3 (30lbs)
Colleen 3 (10lbs)
Chappy 32 (20lbs)
“G” 3 Rx
Juan Carlos 3 (20lbs)
Patrick Skill
Prince 3 (20lbs)
Cat 32 Rx
Lyzz 3 Rx
Blake 4 Rx
Zoom 3 (15lbs)
Skipper 4 (20lbs)
Chris 4 Rx
L.G. 3 Rx
Christy 4 (15lbs)
Jeremy 3 (MOD)
Sleeves 4 Rx
Kristie 3 (15lbs)
Alex 4 Rx
Darlene 3 (Row)
Jenn 4 Rx
Kavi 3 (30lbs)
Megan 3 (15lbs)
Crash 3 (15lbs)