WOD 12/8

Level Two

Find a 2 RM in the Press in 20 Minutes

On-the-Minute for 20 Minutes (Alternating):
1-2 Full Clean to Thruster
1-3 Horizontal Ring Row


3 Rounds:
10-15 Burpees, Unbroken
30 Double-Unders
*Goal time 3:00 to 4:30 Minutes… scale Burpees and Double-Unders accordingly

Level One (Day 9)

A1. Hip Snatch (Power or Full) x2x3
B1. Deadlift x3x3 Rest 1:00
B2. RPU/Dips x2-4×3 Rest 1:00
C1. Step-ups x5x3 Rest :45
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6 x3 Rest :45

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. – Helen Keller

School Lunch
*Post thoughts to comments

– Coach Chad is back! His classes will be offered at 2:00pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. The sign up process has changed: his classes are now listed here under “Specialty Classes”. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
– – December is a month full of fun activities and we hope you’ll join us! Be sure to check out our events section for information and updates!

Level 1 – AM
Brandon S
Jason S
Kelley S
Misti S
Haley S
Sarah S
Irl S
Leve 2 – AM
Charlie 105lb
Albert 170lb
Bubbles 68lb
MadDog 63lb
Becky 58lb
Christina 58lb
Janice 58lb
MegO 63lb
Cindy 65lb
MGJ 75lb
Schittone 115lb
9AM 140lb
Bryan 125lb
Reis 145lb
Peter 125lb
Ray 125lb
Paddy 170lb
Michael 145lb
Ladies’ – AM
Coy 75lb
Jenny 60lb
Josie 50lb
Dayna 95lb
Emily 50lb
Level 1 – 12P
Sasser S
Level 2 – PM
Crash 62lb
Winner 67lb
Mikey 125lb
Boone 165lb
Aaron 115lb
Danimal 120lb
Sanchez 145lb
Clapper 165lb
Lance 145lb
Jerry 85lb
Betsy 90lb
KT 65lb
Amy 65lb
Martin 110lb
Dave 145lb
Kirk 165lb
Chaz 140lb
Geno 170lb
Greg 130lb
Can2 185lb
Gold 135lb
Jonathan 80lb
Uzi 165lb
Elena 55lb
Christy 60lb
Carissa 89lb

